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2016/02/09 第233期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Magnificent Mexican Mural  色彩的力量:動盪小鎮變身彩虹家園

  Most people are happy to hang a painting inside their home. Hundreds of locals in Las Palmitas, a poor neighborhood in central Mexico, have turned their homes into one giant, multicolored mural.
For 14 months, artists from a local youth group got together with community members and painted the front of 209 homes. They used around 20,000 liters of paint. When viewed from a distance, the mural looks like a giant swirling rainbow on the side of a hill.
  Before the mural was painted, the town had many problems with crime and graffiti. It was not safe to walk on the streets after dark because of gangs. After the mural was completed, however, the locals started to take more pride in their homes and community. Rubbish on the streets is now a thing of the past, and crime has dropped dramatically. In fact, some of the gang members that participated in the art project have given up crime and taken up art to make a living.
The project has been so successful that there are plans to brighten up another poor neighborhood not far from Las Palmitas.



  1. magnificent a. 宏偉的,壯麗的
    The view of this city at night is magnificent.
  2. neighborhood n. 社區;街坊
    Recently, many coffee shops have popped up in my neighborhood.
  3. community n. 社區
    We hope to build a school that will serve the community on a long-term basis.
  4. take pride in...  以……為榮/傲
    Lucy took pride in never being late.
  5. dramatically adv. 顯著/重大地
    Since Pete moved to the countryside, his mood has improved dramatically.
  6. participate in...  參與……
    participate vi. 參與,參加
    Sam can't participate in the speech contest because he has a sore throat.
  7. take up...  開始從事……
    After my father retired, he took up cooking as a hobby.
  8. make a living  謀生
    Frank makes a living by shining shoes.
  1. mural n. 壁畫
  2. swirling a. 漩渦(狀)的
  3. graffiti n. 塗鴉
  4. rubbish n. 垃圾

字首 multi- 的用法
本文 "...have turned their homes into one giant, multicolored mural." 中的 multicolored 為形容詞,表『多種顏色的』,其字首 multi- 表『多於一的,多的』之意,常見的字有 multifunctional(多功能的)和 multimedia(多媒體的)。例:

Multicolored glass makes the front window look very pretty.

The multifunctional remote control works on the TV, stereo, and garage door.

The small publishing company has evolved into a multimedia enterprise over the years.

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