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2017/09/12 第316期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Restoration▼ Man   老屋重生術
Call George Clarke when you need to turn an old building into your dream home.


   Great Britain is home to many historic buildings that are no longer used, from old churches to windmills and more. It takes a lot of skill to turn these kinds of buildings into a home fit for a family. Some of the new owners of these old buildings soon realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Thankfully, architect George Clarke saves the day with years of experience and knowledge of the stories behind these historic buildings. His show Restoration Man on National Geographic follows him and his clients as he takes on many difficult projects.
   Clarke helps the owners deal with every problem standing in the way of changing their properties into dream homes. He also reveals the history of each building by doing research and interviews with local experts and former owners.
   Learning about the past in order to shape the present is one way that Restoration Man stands out from similar shows on reality TV. Clarke helps the homeowner turn old, broken-down buildings into beautiful designs. Tune in to National Geographic this month to see Clarke breathe new life into these pieces of history.



































  1. bite off more than sb can chew  某人不自量力
    Are you sure you're not biting off more than you can chew by taking on four part-time jobs?
  2. stand in the way  妨礙,阻擋
    Nothing can stand in the way of Kevin's dreams.
  3. property n. 房地產
    With a weak economy, property prices are falling again.
  4. reveal vt. 揭露,透露
    The report revealed the fact that the mayor had cheated in order to win the election.
  5. stand out  脫穎而出
    Tony does whatever he can to stand out from the rest of the students in his class.
  6. broken-down a. 破爛的
    Bill decided to replace his broken-down truck with a new one.

restoration n. 修復
windmill n. 風車
architect n. 建築師

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