每次打開電子信箱,準備寫英文e-mail時,腦袋會不會一片空白? 英文溝通已經成為全球化社會的必備工具,英文書信往來是很重要的一環。但是,常常有人覺得自己的英文信,辭不達意、又臭又長。其實,只要善用一些訣竅,就會讓一切不一樣。學會以下六種小技巧,讓你的英文信件看起來專業又漂亮!
1. 不要生意腔:可以用We 就不要用You 每一封email往來,都是你和與收信人之間的交流。很多人以為寫商業email就應該用「生意腔」,於是把本來有感情基礎的email寫得官樣。 "You" 態度: "Your mail has been received."/"Your complaint is being looked into." "We" : 態度"I have received your mail."/"We are looking into your complaint."
每次email往來不就是跟對方進行了一次交談嗎?只不過是把交談的介面放在email上而已。多用一些簡單明瞭的句子,用我/我們做主詞,這樣才能讓email讀起來熱情、友善,像朋友交談那樣簡單、自然,親切又人性化。 "You" 態度:You will receive your computer by next week. "We" 態度:We are happy to have your order. We shipped it by July 21.
2. 一針見血:可以清楚就不要模糊 寫email最忌諱文縐縐,要打電話給人就用call,要去拜訪人就說visit,不要用模模糊糊的contact。 模糊:Contact, Soon 明確: call, write, visit, by March 15
3. 訊息簡明:可以一個字就不要兩個字 大部份商業人士跟你一樣,每天都要閱讀大量email。所以email一定要寫得簡明扼要。與主題無關或者無助於email的目的內容,請毫不留情的捨棄。 冗長: -The paper jam had the effect of a destructive force on the copy machine. (12 words) -We have enclosed a brochure which shows further details of manufacture. (11 words) 精簡: -The paper jam destroyed the copy machine. (5 words) -The enclosed brochure shows further manufacture details. (7 words)
4. 語言樸實:用對方看得懂的關鍵字 每個行業都有自己的行話,email溝通時候要確定別人懂不懂你的行話,也儘量不用華麗詞藻。西方的語言習慣,他們更願意使用簡練而樸實的語言;比如"We look forward to a bright and glorious future of cooperation",就不如直接寫成"We hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the future.",這樣才更加符合西方人的語言習慣。 迂迴 : -The choice of exogenous variables in relation to multi-collinearity is contingent upon the derivations of certain multiple correlation coefficients. 直接: -Supply determines demand.
5. 有技巧的表達:永遠讓人覺得you're helpful 同樣一件事說法不同,得到回應就不同,有技巧的說法讓人樂於為你效勞。 拙: -Obviously, if you'd read your policy carefully, you'd be able to answer these questions yourself. -In order to complete the claim you made, simply. . . -We want to get our check. 巧: -I'm glad to clear up these questions for you. -To complete your transaction, -To keep your account in the preferred customer class, send our check for NT$200,000 today.
6. 標題就看得出來專不專業 也許很多人都沒有意識到,E-mail的標題是很重要的一個部分,你的郵件給對方的第一個印象就是透過標題來完成的。如果標題沒有內容,看起來像群組垃圾郵件,命運就是直接進入垃圾桶。 不專業: -How are you? -Can we work together? 專業: -Introduction: Our Product Offerings for Bright Ideas Imports. -Proposal: Bright Ideas Imports-ABC‘s Partnership Opportunity. |