如果你認為IT經理只需要懂技術能力;財務經理只需要懂財務,那可就錯了。 企業對主管的要求一直在變,一起看下面這則英文徵人廣告:
WANTED: Payroll Manager with BA in accounting, five years of management experience, extensive knowledge of payroll principles, and a sense of humor. 徵人:薪資經理,主修會計,五年的管理經驗,充分的瞭解薪資原則,"有幽默感"。
Wait. Humor? Now you have to reconcile W2s, process checks, and crack up coworkers? Has the job market become that competitive?
等等,幽默感?現在你必須要對報稅單,檢查流程,還要能夠讓員工開心?什麼時候職場變得這樣競爭?老闆的要求看來很多,但其實他們只是在找好相處的人,當然,先決條件是這些人都已具備核心工作技能,這就是所謂 “軟技能”。它是除了自身的專業技能之外,與個人特質 (personality traits)、通情達理 (social graces)、語言能力 (facility with language)、個人習慣 (personal habits)、親切 (friendliness)、樂觀 (optimism) 有關的集合。專業和核心競爭力讓你獲得了面試的機會,但是軟技能卻能幫你得到這份工作。
1. 領導能力/團隊塑造 Leadership / Team Building. Leadership skills are not only critical for supervisory positions, but also for candidates who may want rise to positions where they'll give directions to others, experts say.
2. 能夠在團隊中發揮作用 Team Player. Employers like people who play well with others. Even if the job you seek isn't officially part of a team, an employer may want examples of how you collaborated with people who don't report to you.
3. 目標導向、自動自發 Goal-Oriented Self-Starter. While employers don't necessarily want loose cannons or mavericks, they do appreciate people who don't need to be told what to do and can set their own tasks and follow through.
4. 良好的溝通者 Excellent Communicator. No matter what the core job duties are, the ability to write a coherent memo or email, give clear verbal instructions, and help meetings run smoothly will probably be needed.
5. 靈活/身兼數職的能力 Flexibility/Multi-Tasking Ability. Sometimes employers will call this the "ability to wear many hats."
6. 幽默感 Sense of Humor. "While I don't hear recruiters asking for candidates who can tell a joke well, I do believe that evidence of light-heartedness and/or the ability to lighten up a tough situation is valued, and self deprecation seems to be well-received," says McKee, president and founder of BusinessSuccessCoach.net and author of "Career Wisdom.
以上軟技能也不見得每一項都要有。即使是在如今這樣的求職市場上,也沒必要變成超人。Cross-Wilson說:“老闆並沒有期待你事事樣樣都好。在面試上你可以坦誠地說出自己的缺點。如果你很輕鬆自在,他們會認為你很可信。 |