![](rahfgo2d_20140207.jpg) | 別以為這又一篇是老生常談,勸戒人上班要努力、要有正向思考的新年勵志英文。如果你是老闆,你的員工還缺哪一些特質,請他們自己讀一讀,勾選出自己還缺少的態度,新的一年改頭換面。如果你是員工,老老實實逐條實踐,你的「manager思維」很快就會上線。
- Don't aim for perfection 不要苛求「完美」
Getting it done well and on time is much more important than doing it "Perfectly" 準時把工作做好比做得「完美」重要得多。
- Carrying your share is not enough 不要只做份內的事
Bosses value people who do their job and look around for, create or ask for more real work。 老闆看重那些不僅做份內事而且主動尋找、創造或要求更多實際工作的員工。
- Follow Through 徹底完成工作
Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly by a Supervisor。 對份內的工作一定要有始有終,不要等到別人提醒,特別是讓主管提醒更不應該。
- Don't Take Problems to your boss 別把問題丟給你的老闆
If you lack the authority, come prepared with solutions when you broach the problem. Even though your boss may not use your solutions, you've made an impression as a problem solver - not as a problem collector。 有些事不在你的權責範圍內,但在向老闆報告以前也要預想解決方案。就算老闆不採納你的方案,你也已經留下了好印象:你是解決問題而不是收集問題的人。
- Forget about excuses 不要找藉口
No boss cares why an assignment wasn't done. It's your job to get it done and on time。 老闆不關心你為什麼沒有完成工作,完成工作,而且是在時效之內,這是你的職責。
- Attendance counts 該到就要到
People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses any excuse to miss a day。 從出勤情況可以很快看出,誰在努力工作,誰在尋找藉口打混。
- Don't be a squeaking wheel 不要難字當頭,喋喋不休
Don't be seen as " Here comes a problem"。 不要讓人見到你就覺得「麻煩又來了。」
- Deal directly with the person who makes the decision直接與決策者打交道
Dealing with people with less authority may be easier on your nerves, but you'll be wasting time and effort。 可能與職權較小的人打交道不會使你那麼緊張,但這會浪費你的時間和精力。
- Don't wait for approval 不要等著批淮
Let's say you need some special work done. Don't stop with getting approval. If the other person doesn't follow through, you're left looking inept。 比如說你需要完成某些特殊工作,不要因為還未得到批准而停下來不做。因為如果這樣,儘管是別人不配合,你卻已給人留下無能的印象。
- Learn to translate boss language 學會「翻譯」(詮釋)老闆的話語
"If it's not too much trouble" means, "Do it, and the sooner the better"。 「如果這不是太麻煩的話」的意思是「做吧,而且越快越好。」
- Learn what other people in the company are doing 瞭解公司的其他人在做什麼
What were last year's big triumphs and failures? 去年公司主要的成功和不足是什麼? How does your job' intertwine with all this? 你在這中間起到什麼樣的作用? Then you'll understand when, how and where to press for your goals。 然後你將明白何時、何地及如何去追求你的目標。
- Protect the company's reputation 保護公司的名譽
Never discuss company business and people where strangers can overhear. Even in private, be reticent。不要在有陌生人能夠無意中聽到的場合談論公司的事務和人員,即使在私下也不應當說。
- aim for
aim的意思是目標,可以當動詞或名詞。當動詞的意思是「希望達到某個目標」。 We should aim for the best results. 我們要力爭獲得最好的結果。 The factory must aim for an increase in production. 工廠必須力求產能提昇。
- follow through
職場上常用的一個片語是follow up,表示跟進,後續繼續追蹤。follow through也有這個意味,只是又更進一步,要徹頭徹尾through,有貫徹到底;(把某事) 進行到底的決心。 The project went wrong when the staff failed to follow through. 員工沒有貫徹到底,那個專案後來沒成。
- tie up loose ends
Tie的本意是弄緊、拴緊的意思,這是一個常用的片語,意思是收拾零碎東西或完成某事。 I have to tie up loose ends before moving to New York. 搬到紐約前,我必須先辦完一些瑣事。
- squeaking wheel
聽過一句中文俚語嗎?「吵鬧的小孩有糖吃」。英文裡有一個類似的說法“ Squeaky wheel gets the oil ”,直譯是「會輪胎吱吱響了,才會加潤滑油」。辦公室裡、家庭裡,常常吵著、講話又大聲的人,以為這樣才有人理睬你的,就叫做squeaking wheel。