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2014/10/06 第108期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


英文Email錯誤率最高的一個字,其中有一個你一定沒想到,是appreciate(謝謝)! 很多人不想要一再用thank you/thanks,,,,,.,很自然地appreciate這個字就派上用場了。


(X) I appreciate you for giving us this opportunity to introduce our new product.  謝謝你給我們機會向您介紹我們的新產品。

(X)  We would appreciate if you would arrange for immediate payment.  如果能立即付款,我們會很感激。.

(X)  I will appreciate an interview with you。.  希望能有面試的機會。


仔細來看看appreciate,這個字一般字典都解釋為“欣賞、感謝”,再延伸有"升值"意思。這意思看起來沒甚麼關聯,其實它們都是源自同一個本意 “清楚某件事的價值、重要性而對其表達推崇之意”。理解、欣賞、激賞、讚賞、感激,甚至連升值都在同一條意義軸線上。

(O) I appreciate his generosity. 我讚賞他的慷慨大方。

(O) I appreciate the difficulty. 我理解這種困難。

(O) The RMB may appreciate by around 7-8% in 2014. 人民幣2014年可能會升值7%至8%。


(O) I appreciate your kindness. 謝謝你的好意。

(X) I appreciate you for your kindness.

(O) He thanked her for her kindness. 他感謝她的好意。

(X) He thanked her kindness. 

Appreciate後面可以加if或when引導的子句,但這時需要加一個"it": We really appreciate it when she offered to help. 她來幫忙了,我們十分感激。   Appreciate也常出現在履歷表上,但這個字不要亂用。 很多人會在email最後寫道:

I am appreciating an interview with you I'm appreciating you 或者 I appreciate your help。 其實都是不妥的。

I'm appreciating 就是我在感激,等於說,我都謝過你了,別人還沒有請我們去interview,不必先表達感激。說"I look forward to hearing from you." 即可。

而I appreciate your help 其實是 I'd appreciate your help,只是"d"讀來很小聲,但還是有。


(X) I thank you for giving us this opportunity to introduce our new product.

(X)  We would appreciate it if you would arrange for immediate payment.

(X)  I look forward to hearing from you soon.


  1. It’s way too cold here. Would you mind to make it warmer? 這裡太冷了,你介意把冷氣溫度調高一點嗎?
  2. Can I take your name card? 我可以拿一張你的名片嗎?
  3. The photocopier is stuck with paper again. 影印機又卡紙了。
  4. I don’t know what time is the meeting.我不知道會議幾點鐘開?
  5. I am very disappointed to your service.我對你們的服務感到很失望。


  1. It’s way too cold here. Would you mind making it warmer?問別人是否介意自己做某事時,英文要用 “Would you mind + V-ing” 的句型。例如:Would you mind turning off the air conditioning?你介意把空調關掉嗎?
  2. May I take your business card?名片的英文是business card而非name card。這句話也可以說May I have your business card? 或是Could you please give me your business card?
  3. The photocopier is jammed again.影印機的英文有兩種說法:photocopier或是copy machine;「卡住」的英文為jammed (adj.)。這句話也可以說成There is a paper jam(n.) in the copy machine.影印機裡有紙張卡住了。
  4. I don’t know what time the meeting is at. I don’t know後面接名詞子句當受詞用;變成名詞子句的方法很簡單,把疑問結構what time is the meeting變成敘事結構 what time the meeting is就可以了,也就是變成「疑問詞+主詞+動詞」,類似的例子還有:I don’t know who you are. 我不知道你是誰。
  5. I am very disappointed with your service. 雖然中文是我『對』你們的服務很失望。但be disappointed後面的介系詞不是用to,而是at/by/in/with。例如:I was disappointed by the quality of your product. 我對你們產品的品質很失望。相反地,如果要說「對某種東西很滿意」,介係詞也可以用with,例如:The boss is satisfied with our performance. 老闆對我們的表現很滿意。

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