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2015/04/24 第69期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 China’s New Role in Moviemaking /中國在國際影壇的新角色
Oklahoma Gas Wells Blamed for Quakes/奧克拉荷馬地震要怪油氣開採
China’s New Role in Moviemaking /中國在國際影壇的新角色
SHANGHAI — A team of young animators, illustrators

and computer programmers is bringing an ancient Chinese village to digital life.


The team — mostly graduates of China’s leading arts schools — is adding intricate details to temples, palaces and pagodas and animating the movements of the digital characters, including two pandas named Po and Mei Mei.


The project, part of the next installment of the blockbuster Hollywood film franchise “Kung Fu

Panda,” represents a shift in China’s movie making ambitions.


No longer content to build movie sets and provide extras in Hollywood films, Chinese studios are helping to develop, design and produce world-class films and animated features.


They want a bigger role in the creative process, one that will allow them to reap more rewards .


“Kung Fu Panda 3” is the first collaboration between Hollywood’s DreamWorks Animation and its Chinese partner, Oriental DreamWorks, which is partly owned by a government investment fund and a private equity firm, China Media Capital. DreamWorks Animation has taken the lead in the creative and design work for the animated

feature, which is scheduled for release in early 2016. Oriental DreamWorks contributes by adding Chinese elements, creating storyboards and building parts of the 3-D digital sets.


“We’re trying to develop Chinese creative talents,” says James Fong, the chief executive of Oriental DreamWorks. It is part of a broader push by China Media Capital into the entertainment business. Over the last few years, the investment firm has made deals with Warner Bros. and the IMAX Corporation of Canada.


For American companies, such collaborations offer access to new talent and production deals that provide greater access to China’s market, which is expected to surpass the United States as the world’s biggest film

market. With China adding an average of 15 cinema screens every day, the country’s box office brought in $4.8 billion last year, tripling in size since 2010, according to the Motion Picture Association of America.


The rapidly growing market is reshaping the way Hollywood deals with China . Some of Ameri-ca’s biggest television and movie production houses are pushing into China with joint ventures, partnerships and financing projects.


Lionsgate, the American studio that produced “The Hun-

ger Games,” has licensing and financing deals with Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, and Hunan TV, a Chinese state-owned broadcaster.


“The center of gravity is shifting so rapidly from Hollywood to China,” says Rob Cain, a consultant who runs Chinafilmbiz.com. “And it’s not just that the audience is going to come from China.


As global filmmakers look to gain entry to the market, they must now consider the tastes and preferences of a Chinese audience, and the wishes of the Communist Party.


“Because of the importance of the Chinese market to Hollywood, no one wants to make movies that offend China,” says T.J. Green, a former Warner Bros, executive :“Some may see that as self-censorship.”


Authorities have also made clear that they want China to develop its own powerhouse studios . Major Chinese studios are already taking shape. Alibaba has a studio called Alibaba Pictures. The China Film Group has its own production bases . China Media Capital brought in new partners to develop a $3.1 billion “Dream Center,” a cultural and entertainment district in Shanghai .


At the Oriental DreamWorks studio, most of the 260 employees are working on elements of “Kung Fu Panda 3.” The characters’ mouths and jaws are being animated for two languages, English for most audiences and Mandarin for cinemas in China.



“We want to leverage the best of the Hollywood creativity with the best Chinese characteristics,” said Mr. Fong of Oriental DreamWorks. “We make it faster, do it cheaper, and in the end do something really innovative.” so is the capital.”


Oklahoma Gas Wells Blamed for Quakes/奧克拉荷馬地震要怪油氣開採
PRAGUE, Oklahoma — A 5.0-magnitude earthquake — the first of three as strong or stronger over several days in November 2011 — peeled the brick facade from the $117,000 home Jennifer Lin Cooper bought the year before. Ms.Cooper, 36, could not get out until her father pried open a

stuck storm door . Repairs have so far cost $12,000 and forced her to take a second job, at night, to pay the bill.


At a town hall meeting days later, Ms. Cooper said, state officials called the shocks, including a 5.7 tremor that was Oklahoma’s largest ever, “an act of nature, and it was nobody’s fault.”


Many scientists disagree. They say those quakes, and thousands of others before and since, are caused by wells used to bury vast amounts of wastewater from oil and gas exploration near fault zones.


“As long as you keep injecting wastewater along that fault zone, according to my calculations, you’re going to continue to have earthquakes,” said Arthur F. McGarr, the chief of the induced seismicity project at the federal Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park, California . “I’d be a little worried if I lived there. ”


But in a state where oil and gas are economic pillars, elected leaders have been slow to address

the problem. The state seismologist’s office, short-staffed, has stopped analyzing data on tremors smaller than magnitude 2.5 — even though a recent study says those quakes flag hidden seismic hazards “that might prove invaluable for avoiding a damaging earthquake.”


The state’s oil and gas wells gush profits to corporate owners, but also royalties to farmers and homeowners, and tax payments to the state and cities. The industry supports as many as one in five Oklahoma jobs.


From 2010 to 2013, Oklahoma oil production jumped by two-thirds and gas production rose by more than one-sixth . The amount of wastewater buried annually rose one-fifth, to nearly 1.1 billion barrels. And Oklahoma went from three earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater to 109 — and to 585 in 2014, and to 750-plus this year, should the current pace continue.


Many in the industry were reluctant to comment . But Kim Hatfield, the regulatory chair-man of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association and president of Crawley Petroleum, warned, “A reaction of panic is not useful.”


The mechanics of waste water-induced earthquakes are

straightforward: Soaked with enough fluid, a layer of rock expands and gets heavier. Earthquakes can occur when the pressure from the fluid reaches a fault, through direct contact with the soaked rock or from the expanding rock. Seismologists have documented such quakes since the 1960s.


But nowhere have they approached the number and scope

of Oklahoma’s quakes, which have struck a fifth of the state. One reason, scientists suspect, is that Oklahoma’s main waste disposal site, a bed of porous

limestone , lies close to the hard, highly stressed rock containing the faults that cause quakes.


The salty, sometimes toxic wastewater is a byproduct of extracting oil and gas, whether by hydraulic fracturing of once-unreachable shale deposits, commonly called fracking, or from conventional wells. Most is pumped out of the ground with oil or gas, then returned to the earth in a so-called disposal well, often at a different location.


Some other states like Arkansas and Kansas have imposed blanket shutdowns or cutbacks on wells near active quake zones.


Federal seismologists have for a year warned of rising earth-quake risks. Last month, a South African geophysicist delivered the most specific warning yet:Another magnitude 5-plus quake could occur by 2016, and one fault running through Stillwater and two other cities could yield up to a magnitude 6.5 shock.


Continental Resources, one of the state’s biggest oil and gas companies , has been arguing in newspapers, on television and to regulators that the earthquake epidemic is not man-made, but part of an unusually active period for quakes worldwide.


Still,Robert G. Gum, a lawyer for another company, New Dominion, warned at a hearing that if juries hold the companies liable for Prague’s earthquakes, “ these wells will become economic and legal liability pariahs. They will be shut down.”

還有,另一家公司New Dominion的律師羅伯.岡姆在一場聽證會上警告,如果陪審團裁決這些公司必須為普拉格的地震負責,這些井將成為經濟和法律上的負資產。它們將被關閉。」

Ms. Cooper, who is part of a class-action suit, said: “If the truth destroys something, then it needs to be destroyed.”


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