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2017/05/27 第175期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Russia's Hooligans Meet Their Match空前的打壓! 俄國足球流氓遇到對手
In Turnabout, Indian Outsourcing Company Promises U.S. Jobs印度科技外包公司 在美國提供萬名職缺
Russia's Hooligans Meet Their Match空前的打壓! 俄國足球流氓遇到對手
文/Patrick Reevell

Holding on to the ankles of two of his opponents, Alex, a 33-year-old member of a Moscow soccer hooligan group, felt the blows on his head but wouldn’t let go. The third man on top of him was battering his skull with both fists, but still Alex held on, hoping to buy his teammates, battling around him, breathing space. At last, the man rammed his elbow down into Alex’s face, shattering his eye socket. He let go.

And that last fight, nearly a year ago, had been a good one, Alex said in a recent interview. His side had won.

What had unnerved him was a new feeling: He realized it was getting harder to keep up.




When it first appeared in the 1990s, hooliganism in Russian soccer modeled itself heavily on the English version, adopting its clothes and terminology, including the term for its groups: firms. The Russians also embraced the English’s passion for blackout drinking and drunken brawling.

In fact, Russia’s hooligan scene has undergone a transformation. The new generation bears little resemblance to the beery bravado and off-balance punch-ups associated with traditional European hooliganism, or even the sometimes militialike violence of South American ultras.



Instead, the fans who have emerged in Russia over the past decade are obsessed with physical fitness, elite martial arts training and — at least while fighting — militant sobriety. Christened Okolofutbola, or “around football,” Russia’s hooligan scene has developed into perhaps Europe’s toughest, and just over a year before their country hosts soccer’s World Cup, the most hard-core Russian fans may be in the best fighting shape of their lives.

But while their prowess is not in doubt, fan monitors, soccer officials and even the hooligans themselves say there is virtually no chance the disorder that the Russian fans brought to last year’s European Championship in France will be repeated on home soil.



Instead, Russia’s hooligan groups are enduring an unprecedented crackdown by the authorities, who are determined that the World Cup will go smoothly.

“Believe me,” said Andrei Malosolov, a soccer journalist who helped found Russia’s national supporters club, “the years before the 2018 World Cup will be the quietest in the history of Russian soccer.”



In Turnabout, Indian Outsourcing Company Promises U.S. Jobs印度科技外包公司 在美國提供萬名職缺
文/Vindu Goel and Paul Mozur
Facing new corporate demands and political pressure from a Trump administration that wants to curb immigrant work visas, Infosys, one of India’s leading tech outsourcing companies, said Tuesday that it will hire up to 10,000 Americans to serve its clients in the United States.

The move makes Infosys the latest Asian technology company to portray itself as a jobs creator as President Donald Trump threatens to take action against companies he sees as hurting U.S. workers.



Last month, Trump signed an executive order directing government agencies to review employment immigration laws to promote “Hire American” policies. That included offering suggestions for how to reform the H-1B visa program, which operates as a lottery to bring skilled foreign laborers to the United States each year — usually tech workers.

But Infosys is also making its move to hire American driven by other forces. Its home base of India has become a less appealing place to do the grunt work of programming as wages rise there and skilled labor has become more difficult to find. A study of 36,000 engineering students at 500 Indian colleges released last month found that only 5 percent could write software code correctly.



“Building talent pools that define the future of America is what we want to do,” said Ravi Kumar S., Infosys’s president, in a phone interview from Indiana.

Indiana, the home state of Vice President Mike Pence, will be the first beneficiary of Infosys’ hire-American efforts. The company intends to open a new technology and innovation office in or near Indianapolis in August, recruiting 100 new workers this year and several hundred more next year, with a goal of adding a total of 2,000 employees by 2021.



Infosys said it would seek out three other sites for U.S. expansion, looking for places that are close to clients and universities and where state and local governments are willing to offer significant economic incentives. The company already has an innovation hub in Silicon Valley.

The majority of Infosys’ business is in the United States, and it typically receives several thousand H-1B visas every year to bring in mostly entry-level Indian programmers who move from project to project at companies in industries like banking, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and energy.

Infosys has hired more American college graduates in the last couple of years, Kumar said. And now clients in the United States want the company to have even more people on site locally. So it must expand its U.S. workforce significantly, he said.






本文討論外包(outsourcing,或譯「委外」),outsource本意為「向國外採購零配件」,之後衍伸為專業分工的外包。所謂外包是指企業為了維持組織的核心競爭能力或人力不足,將組織的非核心業務委派給外部的專業公司,藉此降低營運成本、提高品質、集中人力資源並且提高顧客滿意度。如果委外的公司在海外(offshore)或其他國家,則稱為離岸外包(offshore outsourcing)。

例句:The management guaranteed that outsourcing wouldn't mean job losses.(管理部門保證外包不代表工作機會流失。)A small business that outsources bookkeeping to an accounting firm.(小企業將記帳業務外包給會計師事務所。)

第4段第2句的片語「grunt work」是美國口語,指單調乏味的苦差事。「grunt」原意包括豬的呼嚕聲、咕噥、發哼聲,口語指普通工作人員,以及俚語中的美軍步兵。

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