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2016/10/26 第110期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

生病吃藥不是take drug! 用錯很囧的英文


“Excuse me. I have to take drugs.”


Take drugs最常見的解釋就是「吸毒」,當然,老外最常用use drugs來指「吸毒」。但為了避免人想入非非,服藥就用「take medicine」。

I have to take medicine. (O)

確實我們講英文的時候,有好一些雙關的解釋 ... ...

Apple Music: 蘋果贏回樂迷芳心的利器?


10多年前蘋果推出iPod,從而在數位媒體拿下大片江山。近年來蘋果在樂迷心目中的地位,卻大不如前,在音樂串流服務更是錯失先機。蘋果去年以雄厚財力推出Apple Music串流服務,同時招兵買馬,廣邀樂壇大咖,試圖贏回樂迷芳心。進入本文前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:

(a)  適得其反 (b) 表面上 (c)  捲土重來

Right after Apple released its digital products in Cupertino, California on September 9, 2014, world-famous Irish rock band U2 took the stage to debut a brand-new song. Later, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced proudly that Songs of Innocence, the band’s latest album, would instantly appear on the mobile gadgets of millions of Apple customers for free.


Thiswell-meaning giveaway (a) backfired, though. First, fellow artists began to chide U2 for (b) seeming to validate the "music is free" mentality. Second, Apple customers complained about having music thrust upon them without their consent. Last but not least, critics pointed out that U2, however dazzling their career may have been, had turned into an uncool band who peddled generic-sounding "dad rock."


It was, without a doubt, a low point for Apple’s street cred among music aficionados. But perhaps, unbeknownst to the vocally disgruntled, Cupertino was busy plotting its (c) comeback via a new music service that might (1) break new ground.


When it was finally ready to unveil its Apple Music subscription service last summer, Canadian rapper Drake’s participation was symbolic of how serious Apple is about its renewed focus on music. For a reported $19 million, Apple signed a deal with Drake that put his songs in Apple ads and led to the successful Apple-exclusive release of Drake’s fourth album.

蘋果去年夏季終於推出Apple Music訂閱服務,加拿大饒舌天王德瑞克共襄盛舉,象徵蘋果奪回音樂龍頭的決心。據傳該公司以1千9百萬美元與德瑞克簽約,在廣告中使用他的歌曲,後來還成功獨家推出德瑞克第4張專輯。

And it doesn’t stop with Drake. Other big shots, like Kanye West and Rihanna, are(2) jumping on this exclusivity bandwagon, possibly because money talks. As you dig into the Apple Music app, it becomes clear Apple has been investing heavily in music curation and media partnerships in a bid to strike a chord with music fans. Don't expect to see Bono back on that stage in Cupertino anytime soon.

不只德瑞克,其他大咖,像是蕾哈娜、肯伊威斯特,也在利誘下投效蘋果旗下。探索Apple Music應用程式後,你會發現,蘋果不惜在曲目和媒體下重金,試圖贏回樂迷芳心。看來波諾近期內不會返回蘋果發表會。



1. Break new ground 開啟新局面


Pokemon GO breaks new ground in online games by adopting augmented reality and getting players to be more active while playing the game. 「精靈寶可夢GO」在線上遊戲開啟新局面,它採用擴增實境技術,並讓玩家在玩遊戲時更為活躍。 

2. Jump on the bandwagon 趕時髦


Lots of people jumped on the bandwagon when the Golden State Warriors reached the NBA finals.

參考資料:Fast Company

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