☆人力資源管理大師 Edward E. Lawler III 等名人推薦
What’s next for the human relations (HR) profession?
從專業人資聯盟 25 年來的研究,可以清楚發現未來的人資將從傳統由內而外的視角,大幅度轉變為由外而內的觀點。人資專注的焦點將不再是內部程序,而是業務績效的關鍵驅動力,像是策略、主要利害關係人的期望,以及企業的營運環境。
After a 25-year ongoing study conducted by a partnership of HR professional associations, it has become clear HR in the future will evolve from its traditional inside-out perspective to much more of an outside-in point of view. Instead of focusing on internal processes, HR will focus on the key drivers of business performance such as strategy, the expectations of key stakeholders and the environment in which the business operates.
Outside-in HR is based on the premise the business of HR is the business itself, not on merely finding ways to connect strategy to HR. HR must create and deliver real business value.
尤其是以下 6 項人資領域,未來將舉足輕重。優秀的人資專業人士將必須扮演:
• 策略定位者──了解全球情勢。
• 可靠行動者──說到做到。
• 能力建立者──強化組織力量。
• 改革擁護者──打造競爭力。
• 創新與整合者。
• 科技擁護者。
In particular, there are today six HR domains which will matter in the future. A good HR professional will need to function as a:
•Strategic positioner – who understands the global context.
•Credible activist – who does that they say they will do.
•Capability builder – who enhances organizational strength.
•Change champion – to build competitive advantage.
•Innovator and integrator.
•Technology proponent.
【Key Thoughts】
“Focusing on the business of the business enables HR professionals to add meaningful and sustainable value. When they start and ground their work with the business, HR professionals think and behave from the outside in.”
– David Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank, Jon Younger and Mike Ulrich
本期介紹的《未來需要的 6 大人資力》(HR from the Outside In)由 4 位作者合著:戴夫.尤里奇(Dave Ulrich)是美國密西根大學商學院教授,RBL 集團夥伴。專門研究組織如何建構領導、學習與當責力,發表超過 200 篇學術文章與 25 本著作。榮恩.楊格(Jon Younger)亦為 RBL 集團夥伴。專精於領導力發展、企業學習、人員招募、績效、人才管理與接班計畫。韋恩.布魯克班克(Wayne Brockbank)是顧問與高階管理教育者。曾任密西根大學商學院教授、全球各大企業顧問。麥克.尤里奇(Mike Ulrich)是研究方法與統計分析專家。曾協助無數企業籌畫與進行統計專案。