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2009/04/20 第15期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Kaohsiung's New Landmark The World Games 2009 Main Stadium
【Text by Hsin-Yi Peng;Photos courtesy by Chung-Hui Pao; Construction Office, Public Works Bureau】

The World Games 2009 Main Stadium is a 19-hectare sports park, encompassing a full-sized running track and soccer field. It boasts forty thousand seats and is the designated location for the World Games' opening and closing ceremonies. The Rugby Sevens and Frisbee events will also be held there.

The Stadium is Taiwan's first, Class one track-and-field ground to be certified by the IAAF.

This five billion NTD, landmark, stadium took three years to construct. It is also more than just a sports park, serving as a multi-functional arena and capable of hosting variety of events and activities. It is just ten minutes walk to the scenic Jhonghai Road and located beside the Kaohsiung MRT World Games Station.

Green Architecture

The Main Stadium was designed and supervised by the internationally renowned architect, Mr. Toyo Ito. It has also been constructed in an environmentally friendly manner. 8,844 solar panels have been installed on the roof. These panels have the capacity to generate an estimated 1.14 million units of electricity per annum, enough green electricity to potentially reduce carbon emissions by 660 tons. The solar panels resemble a flowing river and are truly a breath-taking sight.

The Main Stadium has received a number of awards including the Public Construction Golden Quality Award issued by the Executive Yuan. It also received nine of the highest awards for green construction. The stadium has a unique design and is completely different from traditional closed-off stadiums. The design also considers regional climatic conditions. In the summer, south-westerly winds keep the stadium cool. It also avoids direct rays from the sun. This provides a cooler and more comfortable environment for the athletes.

The stadium is Taiwan's first, class one track-and-field ground to be certified by the IAAF. Kaohsiung City Government and Mr. Ito paid meticulous attention to the design of its track-and-field ground. The blue and red rimmed, running track is constructed from the highest quality materials, including a synthetic rubber which is easy to run on and less toxic. It also meets international standards, rules and regulations. The materials are the same as those used in the construction of stadiums used in the last five Olympic Games. The contrasting colors of the track field were designed to make focusing on the event easier for the audience. The color combination also has symbolic meanings, blue for the surrounding sea and red for Kaohsiung's great passion. The stadium's outdoor surroundings are extremely scenic with a fountain, gardens and paths for cycling and walking. There are five public art installments erected in several areas surrounding the Main Stadium. This artistic approach differentiates it from stereotypical sports stadiums.

Public Art

One of these artistic installments was designed by Israeli artist, Mr. Yaavoc Agam. His contemporary installation, "Message of Peace", can be found at the main entrance. This creation is a nine-square checkered column formation, representative of Kaohsiung's unique approach to the World Games. It also boasts a 149 shade color combination resembling a kaleidoscope. Its rich color and creative style is quite impressive and is best enjoyed walking around the columns and viewing the piece from different angles. Every step brings a whole new artistic impression. Mr. Yaacov Agam is one of the most influential artists of our time and a pioneer of optical art. The "Message of Peace" was created specifically for the 2009 World Games.

The landmark tower is also found at the main entrance and designed by world-famous architect, Mr. Toyo Ito. "Spiral extension of movements" reflects one of the themes of the Main Stadium. The structure stands about 20 meters high and is constructed from a spiral steel board and steel pipes. Its vivacious red is symbolic of Kaohsiung's welcoming warmth.

Another installation found near the fountain is called "Let's Go". Created by German artistic team, Inges Idee, it resembles the fusion of a gigantic sneaker and a car encased in a colossal ball. These liner patterns and its orange-colored, plastic, surface is symbolic of the track field within. Its pattern, color, shape and materials embody the dynamic sports that will be presented at the stadium.

"Body Civilization" was created by Taiwanese artist, Mr. Chi-Man Lai. This installment is situated on Jhonghai Road. Mr. Lai's creation was designed to embody the skills required for sports and the athletic awareness of the body. It is an abstract symbol of the physical aspects of sport.

There is also a public art piece situated at the stadium's secondary entrance. This was created by Taiwanese native, Mr. Ming-Dao Fanchiang. "Walking Feet" is conceptual of exercise, health, sustainability and environmental protection. The artist used granite as the base. More than ten different pairs of feet participating in a variety of sports were carved from the granite. It is a simple, yet powerful display, conceptualizing the spirit of sports and sportsmanship.

高雄新地標 2009世運會主場館

高雄新地標 2009世運會主場館











主入口廣場藝術作品邀請以色列當代動態藝術家亞岡先生(Yaacov Agam)參與創作,亞岡先生以「和平溝通的世界」主題表達世界運動會的多彩多姿,豐富的色彩性及獨創風格特色帶來全新視覺感受。「和平溝通的世界」,為六角柱體所組成的九宮格多度空間環境藝術作品,民眾可以進出其中環視著作品,每移動一步都會有令人驚喜的全新視覺感受。亞剛是當代最重要的藝術家之一,亦是歐普藝術與動感藝術的先驅者。「和平溝通的世界」是亞剛為2009世運會量身打造的藝術作品,如同作品本身無法被ㄧ次看盡,豐富萬花筒般的149種變幻色彩,新的影像和空間隨著步移疊砌產生,像是訴說著運動盛會舉辦的意義及多樣變化性。


與主入口廣場及水池結合部分之藝術作品,為德國藝術團隊Inges Idee的作品「LET'S Go」。看似由巨大的運動鞋和封裝在球裡面汽車所組成的混合體,線性紋路與塑膠製成的橙色表面,和讓人聯想到運動場的跑道和巨大體育用球,所應用的圖形、顏色、形狀和材質都直接散發出運動美感,給人留下強烈的動態印象。




緣 起 :城市是生活環境中一群人與建築的結合體,也是當地生命文化的精神反映。在科技突飛猛進、工商業長足進展的現代城市中,透過藝術的表現,使得城市空間更豐富,景觀也因而發光發亮。高雄近幾年的都會發展可說將「城市美學」的概念發揮得淋漓盡致,城市處處可見山光水色之美,可惜的是一般公民的美學教育仍有待加強。在生活步調快速的現代城市中,本活動期透過一系列「城市美學」講座的提供,啟發民眾能放慢腳步,享受城市的休閒與美麗空間,並進而提升市民美的鑑賞力與美學素養。




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