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2010/08/16 第50期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份∣直接訂閱   
Taiwan's Unique Roadside Banquets
【Text by Peng Hsin-yi, Photos by Pao Chung-hui, Yang Chan-hua, Tsai Yi-jen, Hou Ya-ting】

Attending a roadside wedding banquet is an experience you will never forget.
Wedding banquets at the side of the road are an original and unique part of Taiwan's culinary culture. If you are fortunate enough to be invited to a roadside wedding, it will be an experience you will not forget. These types of wedding banquets are set up under large tents, right on the side busy streets. People are seated at round tables and enjoy endless local delicacies. The food is cooked on location. The person in charge is respectfully referred to as Chef and is in charge of every aspect of the meal, from selecting ingredients to garnishing plates.

The current President of Kaohsiung's Yiya Culinary Association, Mr. Jhang Ci-dong, is a third generation Chef, following in both his father Jhang Dong-ying and grandfather Jhang Ming-sheng's footsteps. Mr. Jhang said roadside wedding banquets peaked in popularity during Taiwan's economic boom. His record was 18 wedding banquets in one day. This took a lot of planning and logistics to make sure he had enough chefs to cover all events. Some customers even reserved tables and paid in full prior to the date, fearing the renowned Chef may become unavailable.

The sophisticated Yiya gourmet Festival presents strong culture behind it.
In the past, banquets were not just limited to weddings. People would throw banquets for any gathering of friends and family. These gatherings would include elder's birthdays, newborn's one-month "coming out" parties, housewarming parties, religious celebrations, funerals and company year-end parties.

Roadside banquets originated in rural Taiwan. Back in those days, the Chef was only responsible for the cooking; ingredients were provided by the host. The neighbors would pitch in and help by putting up tents, setting up tables and providing utensils. They would then relax and enjoy the banquet together. Gradually, the banquet business became more sophisticated. It later became the Chef's responsibility to take care of all preparations involved in the multi-course meal. As the banquet business grew, it became a joint effort of various professions. These included produce suppliers, caterers, transportation and furniture rentals etc.

Neimen Township in Kaohsiung County is known as the capital of the catering business and nicknamed "Home of the Chefs". Although the township is home to a little over 10 thousand people, there are more than 150 catering companies there. This is approximately the equivalent of one in every five households involved in the catering business. Neimen is the town with the highest concentration of caterers in Taiwan.

Like many traditional professions in Taiwan, the catering business has its own patron deity. This diety, Yiya is named after a famous chef who lived during the Spring Autumn Period. Every year on June 28th of the lunar calendar, The Culinary Association holds an "Yiya Festival" . The festival is held at the Yiya temple located on Yahua Street in Kaohsiung City's Cianjhen District. Caterers from all over Taiwan come and show off their craft. This festival is considered to be an important part of Taiwan's cultural heritage. It should be cherished and taught to the next generation so the tradition will not die out.

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