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2011/12/05 第84期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份∣直接訂閱   
Pan Shunlong and Pan Jianjhong's Handmade Thread Noodles
【English written by Peng Hsin-yi, Photos by Pao Chung-hui】

Handmade thread noodles get their name from their ultra-thin appearance. Handmade thread noodle making process is complicated. Unlike their manufactured counterparts, they retain their wheat flour aroma and have a superior texture. Originating in Fuchou, China, thread noodles came to Taiwan centuries ago with the early Fuchou noodle artisans. Today only a few artisans continue the traditional making methods.

In Kaohsiung, handmade thread noodles can still be bought from fifty year veteran, Mr. Pan Shunlong in Yanchao District. Each day, he and his son, Pan Jianjhong, begin the prep work at 3:00am, racking and tending the drying noodle during the hottest time of day and typically leaving the workplace at approximately 8:00pm.

Many consider handmade thread noodles as a dying industry. Due to the physical demanding work, Pan Shunlong would previously discourage his son from following in his footsteps. However, several years ago Pan Shunlong was injured, leaving him unable to work. Pan Jianjhong covered for him, even though he had no prior experience. Pan Jianjhong feels there is still a niche market in existence and it is full of potential. Today, he feels responsible for carrying on the tradition, even though the joints in his hands are swollen and distorted after years of laborious work.

Pan Jianjhong believes the charm of handmade noodles is in its texture. Most noodles turn to mush in minutes; however, handmade noodles remain firm and chewy much longer than their manufactured counterparts. The process begins with mixing flour, water and salt into a big dough ball and setting it aside to allow it to mature. This is the most challenging step as the time required for the process reflects the temperature and humidity. Maturing also makes the dough softer and easier to knead. The unique texture can be achieved by kneading the dough longer. The whole process is carried out manually. The noodles are pulled ultra-thin and transformed into thin noodles. They are then moved to drying racks in the courtyard.

"You can spend ten years observing the process of making Fuchou noodles and you'll still be nothing but a spectator", remarks Pan Jianjhong. In order to make good noodles, kneading requires the arms to be immersed deeply in the dough. It took him eight years to minimize the ratio of failed products. Another part of noodle making that requires years of experience is the drying process. Handmade noodles are dried under the sun, so the weather has to be taken into account. If they aren't taken out of the rain in time, the whole batch can be ruined. Mastering the art of noodle making is arduous and time consuming.

Pan shunlong feels no other noodle lives up to the flavor and texture of his handmade thread noodles. Pan Jianjhong adds that there are no additives. Fuchou noodle artisans use only salt as a preservative and sun drying as a natural form of sterilization. Pan Jianjhong is proud that he has finally proven himself and his father and other friends no longer suggest he should seek alternative employment. The father and son team have consistently brought a quality product and have earned themselves many loyal customers. They are confident the business will continue as long as there are people who love handmade noodles.

Where to Buy ?
Telephone : (07)616-6439

潘順龍、潘建忠 兩代福州手工麵線





「福州麵『看』十年也是在看熱鬧! 」潘建忠表示,製作福州麵的「眉角」太多,若不是親手碰觸麵糰、搓揉摔壓,經驗無法累積,他足足用了八年時間才使每次製麵的良品率提昇到滿意程度 。曬麵時,更常要靠著經驗法則觀察天氣變化,因為一陣驟雨過後,正在曬太陽的麵條就會付之一炬。手工製麵,是一段需要以時間、汗水鋪就的歷程。






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