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2012/11/19 第109期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份∣直接訂閱 
Kaohsiung Jhongdu Wetland Park
【English translation: Peng Hsin-yi】
中都濕地公園 Jongdu Wetland Park(Photo by Jhang Jhong-yi)

In May 2012, Kaohsiung's Jhongdu Wetland Park was declared a winner of the prestigious FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Award in the Environmental (Rehabilitation/ Conservation) Category. It was Kaohsiung's third Prix d'Excellence Award –following The Heart of Love River project in 2009, and the She Zih Lin Basin Wetland Park Project –and a further nod from international society to Kaohsiung's progress in environmental recovery.

Jhongdu Wetland Park, which covers 11.6 hectares of land, used to be one of the biggest wood-storage pools during the heyday of Kaohsiung's timber industry. As that industry went into decline, the canals, warehouses and workshops in the area were abandoned. As awareness of the importance of sustainability has grown in recent years, Kaohsiung City Government has been putting more and more effort into environmentally friendly urban-planning for the "upkeep of a green eco-network and a blue waterfront." Over the course of two years, Jhongdu was transformed from a 40-year-old industrial wasteland into a fresh looking ecological park that nourishes native species, provides recreational space for residents, and serves an educational purpose.

木棧吊橋 The wooden suspension bridges(Photo by Pao Chung-hui)

Founded on the principle of "returning to nature, respecting nature," Jhongdu Wetland Park strives for a balance between ecological cycles and human activities. The park is surrounded by bike lanes and walkways, but the Eco Island in the center is reserved for wild birds and native species, as well as a restoration area for tropical coastal forest. The Eco Island is connected to the outside by three suspension bridges in order to minimize human impact. The bridges themselves are made with wood and other natural materials, a rarity in cities.

The waterway surrounding the Eco Island is lined with stones rather than cement blocks and wires, purposely mimicking the natural habitat of local species. The restoration effort has been a successful one: Mangroves now thrive in the restoration zone, including species thought to be extinct in this region, such as Lumnitzera racemosa and Avicenia marina. Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society has reported sightings of more than 30 different avian species on Eco Island, such as the Little Egret (Egretta garzett), the Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), and the White-vented Myna (Acridotheres javanicus). Visitors to the park enjoy the greenery, watching fish in the water, and –on a good day –water birds dancing in the sky. The park is a piece of heaven, right in the heart of Kaohsiung City.



中都濕地公園於今年5月勇奪世界不動產聯合會(FIABCI) 「2012 全球卓越建設獎」環境復育類首獎,這是高雄近四年來繼愛河之心、檨仔林埤濕地公園後,第三度抱回首獎,顯示高雄在環境復育的努力受國際肯定。

人與生態和諧共存的空間 People and native species coexisting (Courtesy of Public Works Bureau)




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