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2014/2/10 第138期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份∣直接訂閱 
Tuna Sashimi Extraordinaire: Soon Yi Tuna Sushi
【English translation: Peng Hsin-yi】

Many Taiwanese people are passionate about fresh seafood, yet few know that Kaohsiung is one of the most important ports for pelagic fisheries in the world. Kaohsiung is consistently among the world's top three in volume of tuna, squid and saira catch. The city's Cianjhen Fishing Port along is responsible for over 80% of Taiwan's annual output. Tuna sashimi is especially popular with fish lovers. But how is the fish kept fresh during its long journey from ocean to table? We found the answer at Soon Yi Tuna Sushi. By using a super-freezing technique, Soon Yi is able to deliver sashimi-grade tuna to dining tables everywhere.

Soon Yi Tuna Sushi is not just a fish vendor that sells tuna, but rather a multi-layered enterprise, comprising a fishing fleet, a super-freezing facility, and a specialized logistics system that controls every step of the process to ensure the quality of the fish from the moment it is hauled from the water to when it arrives at the customer's dining table. Soon Yi is the only company in Taiwan that owns a super-freezing facility capable of putting catch immediately in a minus 60 degrees Celsius (-76 degrees Fahrenheit) environment, and processing over 1,000 tonnes of fish. The company's business development manager, Mr. Wang Yong-tai, said the company started its retail store because it has absolute confidence in the freezing process and the quality of its product. He wants consumers to embrace the idea that super-frozen tuna is every bit as good as fresh-caught tuna.

Mr. Wang explains the process in details: Once a tuna is hauled onto the deck, its gills and viscera are removed, and it is bled immediately. Only then is the fish placed in a rapid super-freezer. In the super-freeze environment, bacteria cannot grow, and the fish will not develop fishy smells caused by decomposition. Defrosting super-frozen fish is a delicate process. First, fish blocks (fish cut into desired sizes) Must be placed in a 3% salt water solution at about 30 to 35 degrees Celsius (86 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) and constantly wiped with blotting paper. After 30 seconds or so, the fish block is removed from the Water and wrapped With blotting paper to prevent it from oxidizing and drying up. It is then kept in a refrigerator at Minus 5 degrees Celsius (22 degrees Fahrenheit) for 10 to 12 hours to defreeze slowly. Well-defrosted tuna is much like well-aged steak; it has that enticing aroma, melt-in-your-mouth texture, and sweetness sought by sashimi lovers.

Soon Yi hit the market with its "straight from the ocean" campaign and thrived on the promise it delivered. At Soon Yi's retail store, customers can find top-notch sashimi tuna at wholesale prices. Three different types of tuna are available: the Southern Bluefin, the Yellowtail, and the Bigeye. In the dining area, people flood in to have a taste of the top-grade "otoro" (fat belly) for a mere third of the price asked elsewhere. Soon Yi is generous to the point of lavishness –even the miso soup here is made with sashimi-grade tuna. Some international restaurant-chain owners visited Soon Yi for a taste of what they offer and were duly impressed with the quality, so much so they have reached out to Soon Yi, wanting to buy its tuna for their restaurants in Taiwan. At the same time, the fish blocks have become very popular take-home gifts as they mean customers can enjoy as-good-as-fresh sashimi at home.

Because sashimi-grade tuna require meticulous defrosting and careful storage, Soon Yi has established its own home-delivery system to ensure the product reaches customers in perfect condition. Since its founding in 2008, Soon Yi Tuna Sushi has grown to a network of 16 retail stores in Taiwan, and one in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. The company aims to have 35 retail stores in Taiwan by 2018, and be the country's No.1 tuna retailer.

順億鮪魚專賣店 生魚片第一品牌







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