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2020/05/11 第302期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Shan Ming Tea Shop
活動快遞 5月7日起水情燈號轉為減壓供水黃燈 水利局呼籲市民共體時艱節約用水

Shan Ming Tea Shop

◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎Photos by Cater ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting

  Shan Ming Tea Shop, is a beloved Yancheng-based local business, which was founded by Liao Wan-he in 1946. It is currently being run by third generation Liao Sheng-jhong. Although, Shan Ming Tea Shop began in Yancheng, the company has now expanded to include three other branches. Among its most popular products are its high-quality loose leaf teas that are favored by both domestic customers and those from aboard.

  Liao Sheng-jhong reminisces about when his grandfather, Liao Wan-he, spent his weeks delivering teas by bicycle. He admires his grandfather for his dedication to Shan Ming Tea Shop, and everything he has taught him about tea culture. His grandfather's bicycle is now forever commemorated in the company's logo.

  Shan Ming Tea Shop's loose leaf teas and its variety of other types of tea have generated a large number of loyal customers. Some of its other popular teas include oolong tea, Jinxuan oolong tea and Jasmine green tea, etc. It has become very popular with Japanese tourists. Frequent customers appreciate Shan Ming's high quality teas. Liao Sheng-jhong and his employees always remember their loyal guests and get their orders ready as soon as they walk in the shop.

  Tea lovers can also make bookings for ice drip teas. Ice drip teas are brewed the same way as ice drip coffees. They take 6 to 8 hours to brew. Ice drip teas are available only at the Shan Ming Jhan-2 Warehouse (KW2) branch. Ice drip teas have a pleasant fragrance, and Shan Ming offers a variety of teas to choose from. They also get a lot of milk tea enthusiasts come in for its famous Taiwanese milk tea. Customers like it because Shan Ming uses only the highest quality of ingredients, fresh milk and traditional homemade preparation processes. Six types of teas are selected and are made with the proper proportion, resulting in a delicious flavor and beautiful tea color. Made from the best ingredients, Shan Ming's smooth teas are subtly sweet and rich in flavor. Another popular product is their tea flavored soft ice creams. Flavors are based on a variety of teas, such as oolong and green tea, tieguanyin oolong tea, Assam milk tea and regular milk tea etc. Shan Ming's tasty ice cream is made of natural ingredients and does not add emulsifiers.

  Shan Ming Tea Shop takes great pride in its years of culture heritage and tea service. Although the society around it is continuously changing, the 84-year-old tea shop continues to be extremely popular with customers and maintains high quality aromatic teas.

Shan Ming Tea Shop
Address:No. 264 Wufu 4th Road, Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City
Tel: (07)551-4374
Hours of operation: 9 am to 9 pm (closed Wednesdays)

Take Kaohsiung Metro’s Orange Line to Yanchengpu Station. Leave the station at Exit 4 and turn right onto Wufu 4th Road. Continue walking straight along Wufu 4th Road for approximately 10 minutes.

5月7日起水情燈號轉為減壓供水黃燈 水利局呼籲市民共體時艱節約用水

年初至今高雄地區降雨量偏少,5月份枯水期尚未結束,高屏溪攔河堰河川流量低於歷年同期平均值,水利署自109年4月1日起將水情燈號變為水情稍緊的綠燈,惟因迄今仍未有明顯降雨情形,為因應水情狀況, 5月7日起再轉為減壓供水黃燈,水利局呼籲梅雨季節來臨之前,請民眾共體時艱,節約用水。…

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