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2022/05/16 第338期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Rise Early to Enjoy Clay Oven-Baked Shaobing Rolls
活動快遞 衛星來幫忙 跨單位攜手 解決河川揚塵 改善空污

Rise Early to Enjoy Clay Oven-Baked Shaobing Rolls

◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎English Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter

 Kaohsiung is home to many time-honored shops that specialize in shaobing (savory rolls baked in clay ovens) and Chinese crullers (fried bread sticks known in Mandarin as youtiao). These exquisite items lure both locals and out-of-towners to get up early to enjoy delicious breakfast.

※Kuanlaishun Breakfast Shop

 This well-known Chinese-style breakfast shop, located in Guomao Community in Kaohsiung's Zuoying District, offers a dazzling array of handmade pastries. Every day, from early in the morning until about noon, it is packed with customers.

 Shaobing with pickled mustard green and egg is a must-try item in the shop. The crispy rolls are filled with soft eggs, segments of Chinese cruller, and spicy pickled mustard green stir-fried with Sichuan peppercorns. Customers have grown addicted to the numbing spiciness, intense fragrance, and tender crispiness that are stacked upon other flavors. In addition, the shop sells fresh meat buns, radish pastries, sesame cakes, salty soy milk, and other delicacies.

※Haicing Wang Family Shaobing Shop

 Originally located in Zihjhu New Village in Zuoying District, this shop was relocated when the military dependents' community was demolished. Owner Mr. Wang noticed that many people led hectic lives and thus were unable to enjoy decent breakfast; his mother began using various side dishes as fillings for clay oven rolls, bringing into existence the delicious Club Pocket Shaobing. The skin is crispy, and it is stuffed with slices of freshly grilled fish paste, poached eggs, dried tofu, pickled cucumbers, bamboo shoots, and pickled mustard green. Together, this creates a refreshing multilayered taste sensation. Among the shop's regular customers are people who have been eating these shaobing for more than 30 years — and customers who have moved to other countries insist on “tasting” this nostalgia every time they return to Taiwan.

※'No Name' Shaobing Shop in Fongshan

 Some people are inspired to rise early from their beds just to taste the delectable shaobing sold by a nameless shop diagonally opposite Fongshan Train Station. Even before dawn, there is a queue of people in front of this shop without a signboard, now operated by its third-generation owner. Every morning, the aroma of golden-brown long clay oven rolls permeates the air, whetting the appetites of those who have just woken up.

 The crispy-skinned rolls are stuffed with crullers and soft scallion eggs. The more you chew, the more fragrant they become. You can also warm up with a cup of charcoal-flavored soy milk to pair with the clay oven rolls. The shop's pork pie is also highly recommended, being a finger-licking combination of crusty pie, chopped green onions, and salty pork.

Kuanlaishun Breakfast Shop
Tel: (07) 583-0408
Address: No. 5-14, Jhonghua 1st Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City
Open: Tuesday to Friday, 4am to 12 midday; Saturday and Sunday 4am to 1pm.
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/KuanLaiShunZaoCanDian/ (Chinese only)
Haicing Wang Family Shaobing Shop
Tel: (07) 581-3491
Address: No. 2-43, Zuoying Avenue, Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City
Open: 5:30 am to 12 midday every day
Social Media: https://reurl.cc/Y9mDQx (Chinese only)
Unnamed Shaobing Shop near Fongshan Train Station
Tel: (07) 743-4273
Address: No. 38-1, Caogong Rd., Fongshan Dist., Kaohsiung City
Open: 5.30 am to 10.30 am daily

衛星來幫忙 跨單位攜手 解決河川揚塵 改善空污

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