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2022/08/22 第344期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Chill Out at the Port of Kaohsiung's Warehouses
活動快遞 SKM Park開幕迎疫後商機 陳其邁:出入境旅客購物天堂
Chill Out at the Port of Kaohsiung's Warehouses
◎Written by Wang Ting-yun
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Zeng Sin-yao
Visitors can reach Kaohsiung Port Depot 410 and Kaohsiung Port Warehouse No.2 (KW2) by crossing the Great Harbor Bridge. This spectacular white bridge is both a stunning sight in itself, and a point where sightseers can pause and take in superb views of Kaohsiung's harbor.  
Shen Miao-zih, chairperson of Kaohsiung Port Land Development Co. Ltd., is in charge of converting the port's former warehouses into leisure complexes and recreational attractions. The project will include a wharf hotel area and large-scale commercial facilities. In addition to Kaohsiung Port Depot 410, which began operations this January, she intends to transform these time-honored buildings into the world's largest revitalized port warehouse complex.  
Shen's renovation concept is centered on historical preservation, such as retaining the ancient warehouses' beam-and-column structures. Timeworn safety signs, such as “No Fireworks,” can still be seen around the site, as well as artifacts like sizable anchors used in port transshipment.
According to Shen, attracting and facilitating investment has not been easy. Initially, businesses were reluctant to invest in facilities within the former warehouses due to the ongoing pandemic. She then took the initiative to invite them to appreciate the Port of Kaohsiung's spectacular scenery in person. Drawn by the charming waterfront view, businesses started to consider the site as a possible base, and Shen's goals were eventually achieved.  
Shen has added texture to the revitalization of the port warehouses by drawing on the aesthetic experience she gained by expanding shopping malls in recent years. She points out that the most special thing about the former warehouses is that they are publicly owned and accessible to anyone. In recent years, the Port of Kaohsiung has undergone a metamorphosis, and emerged as a tourist attraction that draws visitors to the metropolis.
※Touring Kaohsiung Port Depot 410  
Kaohsiung Port Depot 410 comprises four repurposed warehouses, each with its own style. Warehouse 7 is for ladies' fashion; Warehouse 8 is for gatherings and dining; Warehouse 9 focuses on sports and fashion; while Warehouse 10 houses a special exhibition of photographs of Kaohsiung's harbor. Visitors can experience the historical textures of the port through these vintage images. Public art in the form of a bronze bell, set up in the square behind the warehouse, has become a popular spot for taking photos.
Kaohsiung Port Depot 410 is both a depiction of the lifestyle of the metropolitan city, and a place where visitors can experience a leisurely and laid-back atmosphere while immersed in breathtaking and expansive waterfront scenery. Everyone is welcome to tour the Port of Kaohsiung's former warehouses and learn more about the city's story.
SKM Park開幕迎疫後商機 陳其邁:出入境旅客購物天堂

百貨龍頭新光三越投入5億元,在高雄捷運草衙站旁打造的全新國際級複合式 Lifestyle Outlets—SKM Park,主打全新型態的美式Outlet風格,今(11)日正式開幕,市長陳其邁、高捷董事長楊岳崑及新光三越百貨董事長村上英之、總經理吳昕陽、SKM Park董事長曹美虹、副董事長吳昕昌等貴賓親臨剪綵,市長陳其邁並親自下場體驗卡丁車及VR體感等遊戲。…

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