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2022/09/19 第346期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Enjoy a Cycling Tour around Agongdian Reservoir
活動快遞 金澄雙湖森林公園榮獲「2021致敬城鄉魅力大賞」—城鄉魅力賞獎項

Enjoy a Cycling Tour around Agongdian Reservoir
◎Written by Li Siao-ping
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Carter
Located at the convergence of Kaohsiung's Gangshan, Yanchao, and Tianliao districts, Agongdian Reservoir boasts a waterside bike trail that goes all the way around this scenic landscape feature. In spring, the route is beautified by blossoming Pink Shower trees. As cyclists cross the suspension bridge, they can enjoy a panoramic view of the area's impressive topography.
The 8-kilometer-long bicycle trail that encircles Agongdian Reservoir features flat avenues and long, straight embankments. On one side, there is a shimmering waterfront; on the other, there is the lush greenery of Agongdian Forest Park. The refreshing environment makes people feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
Every April, as the Pink Shower trees erupt into color around the Forest Park's ecological pond, butterflies soar high and roam freely. During firefly season, which runs from early April to mid-May, after-dark visitors will feel as if they have wandered into a surreal and magical wonderland.
After riding around Agongdian, the energetic or the hungry might want to head to nearby Dagangshan to enjoy delectable free-range chicken dishes, or to brew a pot of tea while appreciating a night view of the city. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely bike ride amid mild breezes while reveling in mesmerizing natural scenery.
Leidayipin Free-range Chicken Town is an especially popular restaurant. Its signature dishes include Sweet Acacia Chicken Soup, Plum Chicken Soup, Fried Taro Balls, and Stir-fried Ma Bamboo Shoots. These simple yet timeless flavors attract a steady stream of customers. From the outdoor tea-making area, visitors take in pleasing views over the lowlands toward Gangshan.
On the other side of Dagangshan, there is a hillside courtyard restaurant named Nature Simple. Owner Chen Su-yun, a tea connoisseur with decades of experience, says: “Savoring tea is a gradual process that must be done with heart. People's moods are settled as a result of the transformation of space, and they come to enjoy drinking tea.”
As night falls, lights within nearby homes gradually come on, and the fragrance of tea permeates the air. In this delightful place, surrounded by lush greenery, you can spend leisure time with friends, chatting about everything and nothing.
Travel information:
Agongdian Reservoir Scenic Area Management Office 阿公店水庫風景區管理處
Address: No. 1, Gongcheng Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City
Tel: (07)616-5641

Leidayipin Free-range Chicken Town Restaurant 雷達壹品土雞城
Address: No. 100-13, Gangan Rd., Tianliao Dist., Kaohsiung City
Tel: (07)636-1758 Nature Simple Restaurant 坐看雲起時人文空間
Address: No. 1, Gangshan Vil., Alian Dist., Kaohsiung City
Tel: (07)633-1187



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