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2023/02/20 第357期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Tianliao's Badlands: Liang Shu-ting Leads the Way
活動快遞 來一場最接地氣的旅行「高雄田園饗宴」 2-4月憑演唱會票根送期間限定小禮物
Tianliao's Badlands: Liang Shu-ting Leads the Way
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Yang Wei-ren, Zeng Sin-yao
Photos Courtesy of Moon World Farmer Shop

“Tianliao features more than just Moon World,” says Liang Shu-ting. To promote her hometown and its local culture, she started the Moon World Farmer shop. It is not only a breakfast shop, but also serves as a hub for local tourism and regional revitalization. She leads visitors to explore Tianliao and enjoy farming experiences, DIY handicrafts activities, community tours, and other events which connect the human and ecological aspects of Tianliao.  

The shop promotes various interactive local tours. In addition to introducing the special badland landscape of Moon World, visitors can also visit the area's vegetable and fruit production areas. The highly alkaline soil is rich in sodium and magnesium, and the fruits grown are particularly sweet. After visitors pick some along the way, the breakfast shop is suddenly transformed into a DIY kitchen space.
These are Chen Jia-hong's recommended routes:  
※Mudstone Badlands
If you carefully observe the mudstone badlands, you will find that the muddy material has a slight blue-gray tint, so it is also known as blue-gray mudstone. When viewed from the side, the surface of the mudstone displays a layer of silvery-white crystal reflections that shine with salt. This is why people gave this special landform full of blue-gray mudstone a romantic name: Moon World.
※Wushanding Mud Volcano
MRoughly 3.5m in height, Wushanding Mud Volcano is the highest cone-shaped mud volcano in Taiwan. Underground gas pushes mud to the surface along fissures created by the Cishan geological fault, creating this volcano-like mud-spewing feature. The mud from the cone flows out slowly, forming a river-like natural texture on the surface.  
※Erren River Agriculture Field (Seasonal)
Each October, after the end of the typhoon season, until April of the following year, farmers cultivate the banks of the Erren River. The soil deposited by the meandering river is not only unusually fertile, but also infested by fewer pests. Farmers plant vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes, corn, and other crops here. This annual cycle lasts until the following rainy season, when the riversides are once again flooded.

Moon World Farmer Shop 惡地農夫工作室
No. 91, Chongde Rd., Chongde Vil., Tianliao Dist., Kaohsiung City
Book a guided tour via the Moon World Farmer Facebook page.

Tianliao Moon World Landform Park 月世界地景公園
No. 36, Yueciou Rd., Chongde Vil., Tianliao Dist., Kaohsiung City

Sun Valley太陽谷
Pidi Ln., Fantian Rd., Jinshan Vil., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City

Wushanding Mud Volcano Nature Reserve 烏山頂泥火山自然保留區
No. 183-8, Shenshuei Sect., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City
來一場最接地氣的旅行「高雄田園饗宴」 2-4月憑演唱會票根送期間限定小禮物


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