1. 隨著地勢的高起,越往後殿走,塵囂完全被隔絕。
Eventually, as we continue to ascend toward the rear of the temple, the din of the city is shut out completely.
◎ din n.喧囂,嘈雜聲
There is a terrible din when cats fight.
2. 台南歷經荷蘭、明鄭、清朝等時期的治理,造就了台南豐厚的文化底蘊。而那些飄香百年的台南小吃,不僅滿足了旅人的味蕾,更吸引遊客一再前來。
Shaped by various governments including the Dutch, the Ming loyalist Koxinga and his heirs, Qing-Dynasty China, Japan, and the ROC, Tainan boasts a rich cultural heritage. Its historic street foods continue to cast a spell on tourists from far and near.
◎ cast a spell ph.用符咒迷惑某人/某事物
I wish I could cast a spell and make it better.