1. 「元宇宙」概念火紅,但其實很多人不知道元宇宙是什麼?
The idea of the “metaverse” has been taking off in recent times, but many people still have questions: What is the metaverse?
◎ take off (指觀念、產品等)突然大受歡迎; (指產品的銷售量)急升
Sales of robot vacuum cleaners have taken off in recent years.
2. 換句話說,每件在電商平台販售的產品,都可以生成3D來呈現。
What this means is that every product sold on an e-commerce platform can potentially be rendered in 3D.
◎ render 使成為;給予,提供
The right to vote renders legitimacy.