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Fire and Learning  
 The story of Prometheus, the 1)rebel god
Prometheus, whose name means "thinking before," is the Greek god who created 2)humanity. He and his brother Epimetheus, whose name means "thinking afterwards," made all the 3)creatures on earth, but Prometheus loved humans the most. Prometheus 4)designed people to look like the gods and he was always helping humanity. Prometheus learned 5)mathematics, 6)navigation, 7)medicine, 8)architecture, and 9)astronomy from the goddess of 10)wisdom, Athena, and taught these sciences to people. Prometheus would 11)eventually get in trouble for all the gifts he gave humanity and be 12)punished by Zeus.
1) rebel (a.) 反抗的,叛逆的
The rebel soldiers attacked(攻擊) and killed 300 people.
2) humanity (n.) 人類
Hitler(希特勒) committed(犯下) many crimes(罪) against humanity.
3) creature (n.) 生物
One creature I hate is the snake.
4) design (v.) 設計
Gloria designs wonderful dresses.
5) mathematics (n.) 數學,簡寫為 math
Ian studies mathematics at university.
6) navigation (n.) 航海,導航
Navigation is difficult in these waters.
7) medicine (n.) 醫學
Medicine requires(要求) students to study hard.
8) architecture (n.) 建築學,建築
I like the architecture of that building.
9) astronomy (n.) 天文學
Astronomy involves(牽涉) a lot of mathematics and other sciences.
10) wisdom (n.) 智慧
I admire(欽佩) the wisdom of your decision.
11) eventually (adv.) 最後,終於
Eventually, after 10 years of saving money, Janet bought a house.
12) punish (v.) 懲罰
Bill punished his children by not letting them watch TV.
Once Zeus had become the most powerful god in the 13)universe, he 14)neglected to take care of humanity. This 15)angered Prometheus, so he tried to 16)trick Zeus and make him look stupid. Prometheus prepared two 17)sacrifices and asked Zeus to choose which one he wanted. Prometheus had made it so the sacrifice that had the better meat looked 18)unappetizing and the sacrifice that had only skin and bones looked 19)delicious.
13) universe (n.) 宇宙
The universe is extremely old and large.
14) neglect (v.) 忘了做 [+ to],忽略
Oops, I neglected to lock the door of my house.
15) anger (v.) 激怒
What he said angered his father.
16) trick (v.) 騙人,愚弄
David tricked his mother into believing he was too sick to go to school.
17) sacrifice (n.) 牲禮,祭品
In some cultures(文化), people offered human sacrifices to the gods.
18) unappetizing (a.) 引不起食慾的
This meal is very unappetizing.
19) delicious (a.) 美味的
Thanks for the delicious food!
Zeus, who knows and sees everything, understood what Prometheus was doing and was very angry. Zeus warned Prometheus not to try and trick him again, but did not punish him. Zeus did punish humanity for Prometheus' 20)deception though. Zeus 21)declared that humanity would not have fire and would have to eat their meat 22)raw.
20) deception (n.) 欺騙
No one was fooled by Rick's deception.
21) declare (v.) 宣布 [+ that]
The king declared that the war was over.
22) raw (a.) 生的,未煮過的
Do you like to eat raw fish?
Without fire, people could not stay warm, and thus they 23)suffered. Prometheus looked down from the heavens and was sad to see his 24)creation cold and 25)shivering. Prometheus knew that Zeus was all knowing, but he decided to 26)steal fire from Zeus anyway and give it to humanity. With the gift of fire human 27)culture 28)improved quickly. Humanity 29)mastered art and writing and developed new 30)technologies that made their lives easier.
23) suffer (v.) 受苦
Jack is suffering from cancer(癌症).
24) creation (n.) 創造,造物
Your painting is a lovely creation, Susan.
25) shiver (v.) 顫抖
Jane shivered because it was so cold outside.
26) steal (v.) 偷,竊取 [+ from]
The thief(賊) stole $5 million from the bank.
27) culture (n.) 文化
I think Chinese culture is very interesting.
28) improve (v.) 改善,改進
How can we improve the city?
29) master (v.) 精通
It takes a lot of practice to master a new language.
30) technology (n.) 技術
It's hard to learn all the new technology.
When Zeus saw these changes in humanity, and understood what Prometheus had done, he was 31)enraged. In Greek 32)mythology no god, not even Zeus, can take away what another god has given, so Zeus couldn't take the fire away. However, Zeus did punish Prometheus. He took Prometheus into the mountains and 33)chained him to a large stone. Every morning a giant eagle would land on Prometheus, 34)tear out his belly, and eat his 35)liver. And every night Prometheus' body would completely 36)heal so he would have to suffer the same 37)torture day after day.
31) enrage (v.) 激怒,使憤怒
Sam became enraged when he found out he had been cheated(欺騙).
32) mythology (n.) 神話
Justin loves to read about mythology.
33) chain (v.) 用鎖鏈拴住,拘禁
Let's chain our bicycles to a tree so they can't be stolen.
34) tear (v.) 撕開,撕裂
Lisa tore her skirt on a nail(釘子).
35) liver (n.) 肝臟
Because of problems with his liver, Ben had to go to the hospital.
36) heal (v.) (傷口)癒合,痊癒
My broken leg took a long time to heal.
37) torture (n.) 折磨
The prisoners(囚犯) were tortured, but they refused to talk.
The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus. Zeus allowed it because Hercules was Zeus' son and freeing Prometheus would bring Hercules 38)fame and 39)glory. Afterwards, Prometheus returned to Mount Olympus. Though free, Prometheus would always have to carry the stone he was chained to as a 40)reminder not to 41)disobey Zeus.
38) fame (n.) 名聲
Movie stars have a lot of money and fame.
39) glory (n.) 光榮
There is no glory in war, only death and destruction(毀滅).
40) reminder (n.) 提醒物
His sore(酸痛的) arm was a reminder of the accident(意外).
41) disobey (v.) 違抗,違反
Tony never disobeyed his parents.
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