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  TIME WATCH 時代流行網
Dying to be Beautiful  
 Are models to blame for eating 1)disorders?
What makes someone beautiful? Is thinness always beautiful? These are hard questions to answer because what is considered beautiful today might not be considered beautiful tomorrow. Also, what is beautiful in one 2)culture might not be beautiful to another. There is not a 3)universal 4)standard of beauty.
1) disorder (n.) 紊亂,失調
He has an eating disorder and feels hungry all the time.
2) culture (n.) 文化
I think Spanish(西班牙) culture is very interesting.
3) universal (a.) 全世界的,通用的
The human need for love is universal.
4) standard (n.) 標準
Your work doesn't meet the standards of this company.
Most of the models you see on television or in magazines appear beautiful. They are dressed in expensive clothes and wearing 5)professional 6)makeup, and you can't help but 7)admire how beautiful they look. However, if you should see these same models on the street you might be shocked at how thin they are. Some of them look as if they were sick. Many models today are so thin that they're living in real danger. Last August, Luisel Ramos, a 22-year-old model from Uruguay, died of a 8)heart attack after going on a 9)severe 10)diet for several months. Ramos, who died immediately after a fashion show, had been told that she had to lose weight if she wanted to become a supermodel. She hadn't eaten any food in days.
您在電視或雜誌上看到的模特兒大都很美。她們身穿昂貴的服裝、化上專業的彩妝,讓您忍不住要為她們美麗的外表而讚嘆。然而,如果您在街上看到這些模特兒,可能會驚訝她們竟然會這麼瘦。她們當中有些人看起來就像生病了似的。今天許多模特兒都太瘦了,以致於活在真正的危險當中。今年 8 月,一位來自烏拉圭、芳齡 22 歲的模特兒露西爾•雷莫斯,在厲行節食幾個月之後死於心臟病發。在一場服裝秀後猝死的雷莫斯,事前聽說如果想要成為超級名模就必須減肥。她已經有好幾天沒進食。
5) professional (a.) 職業的,專業的
Ken practices every day because he hopes to become a professional basketball player.
6) makeup (n.) 化妝
Susan wears too much makeup and looks a bit funny.
7) admire (v.) 欣賞,稱讚
One person I admire is doctor Jones because he is such a great man.
8) heart attack 心臟病發作
Her husband died of a heart attack 10 years ago.
9) severe (a.) 嚴格的
I've got a severe headache right now.
10) diet (n.) 飲食,節食
Make sure your diet includes fruits and vegetables.
Some health 11)experts say that being very thin is not just a dangerous practice for models: it is also a dangerous 12)ideal for young women. The life of a supermodel--traveling around the world, dating rock stars, and being paid for her beauty--can be very attractive to young women. They see 13)glamorous pictures of models and want to 14)imitate what they see.
11) expert (n.) 專家
Sam is an expert on Chinese history.
12) ideal (n.) 理想
I know of an ideal location(地點) near the beach to build a house.
13) glamorous (a.) 迷人的,有魅力的
Modeling and acting are glamorous careers(職業).
14) imitate (v.) 模仿
The monkey imitated my actions.
After Luisel Ramos' death, the 15)organizers of a fashion show in Madrid, Spain decided to 16)restrict how 17)skinny the models could be. The weight and height of models were measured, and if a model was too skinny she was not allowed to work. Organizers said they did this to 18)protect both the models and the people that 19)look up to them.
15) organizer (n.) 組織者,籌辦者
My sister is an organizer of the big party.
16) restrict (v.) 限制,約束
This event(活動) is restricted to adults(成人); children can't attend(參加).
17) skinny (a.) 瘦的,皮包骨的
Do you like skinny girls?
18) protect (v.) 保護
The dog has been trained to protect its master.
19) look up to 尊敬
Children look up to their parents.
While some people 20)applauded the organizers, others said the 21)restrictions were unnecessary. The models were not making women want to be skinny; they were just giving people what they already liked. Fashion 22)designers asked, "If skinny models make women (too thin), where are the fat models that are making people 23)overweight ?"
20) applaud (v.) 向……鼓掌,稱讚
The audience applauded the singer for three minutes.
21) restriction (n.) 限制,約束
The government put too many restrictions on this activity(活動).
22) designer (n.) 設計者
Who is your favorite fashion(時裝) designer?
23) overweight (a.) 超重的,過重的
Because my brother is overweight, he plans to exercise(運動) more.
It is an interesting question. In many places 24)obesity, which is also an eating disorder, causes more deaths than being too thin does. Eating disorders are 25)psychological problems that are caused by things more 26)complicated than looking at too many pictures of models. It is good to make sure models are healthy, but 27)banning skinny models is not going to make people eat just the right amount of food.
24) obesity (n.) 肥胖,肥胖症
Obesity is becoming a bigger problem among children.
25) psychological (a.) 心理的
Ben has a few psychological problems.
26) complicated (a.) 複雜的
This lesson is too complicated to understand.
27) ban (v.) 禁止
I think smoking should be banned in all buildings.
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