WATCH ®É¥N¬y¦æºô |
¡i¥»¶g½Òµ{¡]2006/12/8¡^¡j |
1)Perfume: 2)Scent of a 3)Murderer
The man with the terrifying nose
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Our sense of smell plays a big part in our lives. Smells 4)affect how we feel and how our food tastes. Some scientists believe smells even affect who we fall in love with. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a film that 5)revolves around the world of smell and perfume making. The film tries to show our eyes what is 6)normally felt only through our nose. |
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1) perfume (n.) »¤ô
That's a very nice perfume Linda is wearing.
2) scent (n.) ®ð¨ý
The scent of flowers was present in the room.
3) murderer (n.) ¿Ñ±þ¥Ç¡A¥û¤â
The murderer threw the gun in the lake.
4) affect (v.) ¼vÅT¡A¹ï¡K¡Kµo¥Í§@¥Î
Does the weather affect your mood?
5) revolve (v.) ±ÛÂà
This TV revolves, so I can watch it from anywhere.
6) normally (adv.) ³q±`¡A«öºD¨Ò
Normally, I get up at 7:30 a.m. every day. |
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is based on a well-loved book by German 7)author Patrick S Êskind. The story 8)takes place in 18th century France and follows the life of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, played by Ben Whishaw in the film. After Grenouille is born, his nurses notice that he has no body odor, a fact which 9)disturbs the women. Grenouille's 10)lack of body odor causes people to be unkind to him during his whole childhood. |
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7) author (n.) §@ªÌ¡A§@®a
Stephen King is a famous, rich author.
8) take place µo¥Í¡AÁ|¦æ
The movie takes place in Germany(¼w°ê) during World War 11.
9) disturb (v.) §«Ãª¡A¥´ÂZ
The serious burns(¿N¶Ë) on the man's face disturbed Sandy.
10) lack (n.) ¤í¯Ê¡A¤£¨¬
There is a lack of good restaurants in this town. |
However, Grenouille is also born with an extremely powerful sense of smell. As a young man Grenouille becomes an 11)apprentice to a perfume maker named Giuseppe Baldini, played by Dustin Hoffman. Grenouille is soon developing strange and powerful perfumes. Baldini is 12)jealous of Grenouille's amazing sense of smell and is also unkind to him, even though Grenouille's perfumes make Baldini a lot of money. |
µM¦Ó¡A¸¯¥£¤A»P¥ÍѨӤ]¨ã¦³·¥ÆF±Óªº¶åı¡C¦~»´ªº¸¯¥£¤A¦¨¬°»¤ô»s³y®v¦N·æªi¡DÀj}¥§ªº¾Ç®{¡X¡XÀj}¥§¥Ñ¹F´µ¥Å¡DÀN¤Ò°Ò¹¢ºt¡C¸¯¥£¤A«Ü§Ö´N¶}©l¬ãµo©_²§ªº¡B®Ä¤O±j¤jªº»¤ô¡CÀj}¥§¶ú§ª¸¯¥£¤AÅå¤Hªº¶åı¡A©Ò¥H¤]¨Sµ½«Ý¥L¡A§Y¨Ï¸¯¥£¤Aªº»¤ôÀ°Àj}¥§ÁȤF«Ü¦h¿ú¡C |
11) apprentice (n.) ¾Ç®{¡A¨£²ß¥Í
The apprentice worked 10 hours every day with low pay.
12) jealous (a.) ¶ú§ªªº
Penny's boyfriend gets jealous when she talks to other guys. |
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The film becomes 13)creepy after Grenouille smells a young woman named Laura, played by Rachel Hurd-Wood. Grenouille believes the smell of a young woman is the most beautiful of all the smells and becomes 14)obsessed with making it into a perfume. To make this 15)perfect perfume, Grenouille begins to murder young women and perform experiments on their bodies. At this point the film becomes a 16)thriller, full of action and 17)suspense. |
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13) creepy (a.) ¥O¤H¤ò°©®ªµMªº
I just read a really creepy book.
14) obsessed (a.) µÛ°gªº
Frank is obsessed with winning.
15) perfect (a.) §¹¬üªº¡A²z·Qªº
I think the beach(®üÅy) is a perfect place to build a house.
16) thriller (n.) Å宪¤p»¡¡]©Î¹q¼vµ¥¡^
Betty closes her eyes during thriller movies.
17) suspense (n.) ÄaºÃ
Without suspense, a story would be boring(µL²á). |
Perfume: The story of a Murderer is both beautiful and disturbing to watch. Paris in the 18th century is shown to be a 18)filthy and 19)violent city, but Grenouille's amazing sense of smell 20)navigates the dirt and 21)garbage to find what is still beautiful. The 22)costumes, movie sets, and 23)make-up very 24)effectively create the feeling of the old French 25)capital just before the Industrial Revolution. |
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18) filthy (a.) ¤£¼äªº¡A¦Ã©ªº
I don't like going to Dan's house because it's filthy.
19) violent (a.) ¼É¤Oªº
The jails(ºÊº») are full of violent people.
20) navigate (v.) ¦æ¨«©ó¡A¯è¦æ
It was difficult for the captain(²îªø) to navigate his ship through the fog(Ãú).
21) garbage (n.) ©U§£
It's time to throw away the garbage.
22) costume (n.) À¸ªA
He wore a pirate(®üµs) costume to the Halloween(¸U¸t¸`«e¤i) party.
23) make-up (n.) ¤Æ§©
The make-up made the actor look 25 years older.
24) effectively (adv.) ¦³®Ä¦a
Some medicines(ÃÄ) work quite effectively.
25) capital (n.) º³£
Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. |
The movie is directed by Tom Tykwer, who also helped write the film's music. Tykwer became famous after making the very successful independent film, Run Lola Run. Tykwer 26)manages to show Grenouille's 27)unique sense of smell on film, something many people thought would be impossible. Perfume: The Story of a Murder is an interesting and terrifying novel which Tykwer has turned into a beautiful and equally terrifying film. |
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26) manage to §V¤O°µ¨ì
Fred got lost, but he managed to find his way home later.
27) unique (a.) ¿W¤@µL¤Gªº¡A¿W¯Sªº
That is a unique restaurant; it has a small airplane inside it. |
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¥H¤W±M®× 2007/1/31 ºI¤î
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