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2013/11/21 第36期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
本週課文 A New Haircut 髮型新體驗
英語達人 Q1: Let's go to the zoo soon. When do you have _________ ?
語文教室 I must try on the other wigs!
好康快報 送 "On the Go 台灣走透透" 好看DVD!
A New Haircut 髮型新體驗
Amy: Pam! Your hair! It's so . . . short!

Pam: I know. Do you like it?

Amy: Yes. But I'm very surprised*!

Pam: Is my hair too short?

Amy: No. It's just very . . . different.

Pam: (laughs) Amy, I didn't get a haircut. I'm wearing a wig!

Amy: Really?

Pam: Yes. I'm trying different hairstyles.

Amy: Oh! You want a new style.

Pam: Right. I'm trying different wigs. Look at these wigs in my bag!

Amy: Wow! Where did you get these wigs?

Pam: From my grandmother. She has lots of old wigs!

Amy: (takes a wig) Look at this red wig. You can change the color of your hair!

Pam: I know! Look at this picture. I'm wearing this wig in it.

Amy: (looking at the picture) Oh, Pam, I like the style of this red wig!

Pam: Really? Or is the hair too straight?

Amy: No. I like it!

Pam: What about this picture? (gives Amy another picture)

Amy: Oh! This wig is short and black!

Pam: Do you like it?

Amy: Maybe. Pam, are you really ready for a change?

Pam: I don't know. I must try on the other wigs!


潘 :是啊。妳喜歡嗎?



潘 :是因為我頭髮太短了嗎?


潘 :(笑)愛咪,我沒有剪頭髮,我是戴了一頂假髮!


潘 :對啊,我在嘗試不同的髮型。



潘 :哇!這些假髮是從哪兒來的?

潘 :是我外婆給我的,她有很多舊的假髮!

愛咪: (拿起一頂)妳看這頂紅色的假髮,這樣妳就能改變自己頭髮的顏色了!

潘 : 是啊!妳看這張照片,我裡面戴的就是這頂假髮。

愛咪: (看著那張照片)喔,潘,我喜歡這頂紅色假髮的造型!

潘 :真的嗎?會不會太直了點?


潘 :那這張照片呢?(給愛咪另外一張照片)


潘 :妳喜歡這頂嗎?


潘 :不知道?,我得試戴其他的假髮才行!



Q1: Let's go to the zoo soon. When do you have _________ ?
(A) time out (B) time on (C) time over (D) time off

Q2: In American high schools, students go from ______________ for different subjects.

(A) room to room (B) room on room (C) room by room (D) room and room



I must try on the other wigs!
片語 try on 是「試穿、試戴」的意思,試衣、試鞋、試首飾…都可以用 try on。例句:

• I'd like to try on that ring.

• Let me try it on.



送 "On the Go 台灣走透透" 好看DVD!


現在點選banner,就有機會獲得精彩好看的「On the Go台灣走透透DVD」兩輯喔!!(市價800元)





(1) D (2) A



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