【101 公務人員特考 - 共 101 字】
[1] Walking produces some interesting psychological effects, according to studies currently under way by researchers at California State University. [2] One especially important benefit may be for cigarette smokers who are trying to cut down or quit. [3] Since people often smoke to increase their energy or reduce tension, researchers have asked smokers to take five-minute walks before they light up. [4] So far the results are very impressive. [5] Following a walk, smokers wait two times longer than non-walking smokers do between cigarettes during free-smoking periods. [6] And those who report the greatest energy increases from the walk wait the longest to smoke the next cigarette.
[1] 主詞:walking 散步∥動詞:produces 產生
◆ currently 之前省略了 which/that are。
[2] 主詞:one benefit 一項益處∥動詞:may be 可能是
[3] 主詞:researchers 研究人員∥動詞:have asked 已經要求
[4] 主詞:the results 結果∥動詞:are 是
[5] 主詞:smokers 抽菸者∥動詞: wait 等待
◆ do 在這裡代指前面的動詞 wait。
◆ between cigarettes 的意思是「在抽一根菸與下一根菸之間」。
[6] 主詞:those 那些∥動詞:wait 等待
◆ those 是指 those smokers( 那些抽菸者)。