大家在上週的連載中,有沒有發現「老年人」的英文,不是我們所直覺想出的「old people」,而是elderly people(或是 the elderly)。其中要注意:elderly 雖然以ly 結尾,卻是個形容詞。順帶一提,costly, orderly, lively 同樣也是形容詞。
【Why does the skin become wrinkled? 】
The skin becomes looser as people age. As skin sags, it forms into wrinkles and creases. This happens because the fibers of collagen that normally provide support to the skin become weaker. Smoking and over-exposure to the sun can make skin more likely to wrinkle.
◆ sag (v.) 鬆弛;下垂
◆ wrinkle (n.) 皺紋
◆ crease (n.) 摺痕
◆ fiber (n.) 纖維
◆ collagen (n.) 膠原蛋白
◆ over-exposure (n.) 過度曝曬
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