《聽,英國人在說話:THE BLUE BOOK英式英語實境秀》的連載中,作者要帶大家一同用聲音暢遊英國倫敦。到了英國,怎麼可以不一遊哈利波特起源地和拍攝現場呢?本週讓我們一起來「聽」道地英國腔,了解哈利波特作者 J.K. 羅琳當初創作時的小故事吧。
【Pre-Question】 J. K. 羅琳當初在咖啡廳寫《哈利波特》的真正原因是什麼?
There was a much simpler reason why I went and wrote in coffee shops; as some of us will know, children, babies can make a certain noise, and when they’re making that noise, any kind of concentrated thought is impossible. You put them in a pushchair , and you start to walk, and in the pushchair, it's like magic--they fall asleep. And that's what Joanne Rowling said she did in- around Edinburgh. And whenever they fell asleep she would go straight in to the nearest coffee bar and start writing.
本文摘錄自《聽,英國人在說話:THE BLUE BOOK 英式英語實境秀》(附MP3)