各位讀者們喜不喜歡英國作家「柯南道爾」的作品呢?他創作出的「福爾摩斯」廣受世界推理迷的喜愛。英國有一個福爾摩斯博物館喔!裡面依照柯南道爾的小說裡的場景打造,是福爾摩斯迷絕對不能錯過的地方呢∼在博物館中,都有一位扮演哈德森太太的嚮導帶領大家參觀,這位 20 幾歲的倫敦女孩雖然講話的速度有一點快,可是聲音清澈、使用的英語優雅有氣質,一起來聽聽看吧!
Well once you actually enter into the museum you are walking into Sherlock Holmes's world. It's a Victorian style house, it's three stories high, two rooms on each floor, as you walk up the narrow staircase you walk straight into the study, which is probably the most famous room from the stories; where Sherlock and Watson would have spent most of their time. And where they would have had their clients come to visit. You have the- the very ambient fireplace and the two-with the most two famous chairs , erm, in the study where people can sit down and actually pose as Sherlock and Watson. We provide them with hats and a pipe and things so they can play at being the characters they love so much.
本文摘錄自《聽,英國人在說話:THE BLUE BOOK 英式英語實境秀》(附MP3)