企業英文文書:銷售預測 |
1. |
The company will probably meet its sales forecast this year because of its new launches. |
因為這些新上市的產品,公司今年極有可能達到銷售預測。 |
2. |
It is important to check realistic estimates when making a sales forecast. |
在擬定銷售預測時,檢閱實際的預算是很重要的。 |
3. |
The sales records show that the company reached its highest income ever last year. |
銷售記錄顯示公司去年的營收創新高。 |
4. |
Companies should keep their sales records accurate because they are used in making financial projections. |
企業應該要保持準確的銷售記錄,因為會用這些紀錄來擬定財務計畫。 |
5. |
The company’s projected sales revenue for next year is two times higher than this year’s. |
公司明年度預定的銷貨收入,比今年高出兩倍。 |
6. |
The fluctuating oil prices make it difficult for companies to achieve their projected sales revenue. |
油價波動,使得公司難以達到預定的銷售收入目標。 |
7. |
To be profitable, the cost of goods sold by the company should not exceed 60% of its sales revenue. |
若要有利潤可言,公司的銷貨成本不應超出銷貨收入的60%。 |
8. |
Companies can increase their profit by controlling their cost of goods sold. |
企業可藉由控制銷貨成本來增加盈餘。 |
9. |
We usually target a gross profit from sales of at least 25 percent of the total sales for the month. |
我們通常將毛利的目標訂在該月總銷售額的25%以上。 |
10. |
The gross profit is a good measure of how much mark up a company can make on sales. |
毛利是得知一家公司在銷售額上可以獲得多少利潤的好方法。 |
11. |
The net profit is a good measure of a company’s overall profitability. |
淨利是得知一家公司整體獲利能力的好方法。 |
12. |
The company can increase its net profit by reducing costs, but keeping the same level of sales. |
公司能透過降低成本來提高淨利,而依然維持相同標準的銷售額。 |
13. |
Economic problems make it difficult for companies to meet their sales quotas. |
經濟問題使得許多公司難以達到銷售定額。 |
14. |
Setting a sales quota is one way to ensure that a company’s sales goals are met. |
銷售定額的設定,是確保公司能達到銷售目標的一種方式。 |