職場英文:簡報圖表用語 |
1. |
As you can see from this chart, the greatest percentage of our sales is in the northeast. |
從這張圖表你們可以看到,在我們營業額中最大的比例是來自東北區。 |
2. |
These charts show women's apparel as a percentage of our total sales over time. |
這些圖表顯示出長期以來,女性服飾佔我們總營業額的比例。 |
3. |
According to this graph, our profit margin has fallen, though our revenue has gone up. |
根據這張圖表,雖然我們營收有成長,但毛利率卻下降。 |
4. |
As illustrated by this diagram, this is the path a report takes through our organization. |
正如同這張圖表所說明的,這是一份報告在我們組織裡傳閱的路徑。 |
5. |
The graphic here illustrates the main problem with our office layout. |
這裡的圖表說明了,我們公司在辦公室配置上的主要問題所在。 |
6. |
Along the walls, you can see photos from our most recent company picnic. |
沿著這幾道牆,你們就可以看到公司在最近那次野餐時所拍的相片。 |
7. |
The next several slides show preliminary designs for the new logo. |
下面幾張幻燈片顯示出新的企業識別標誌的初步設計稿。 |
8. |
Sales plummeted in March. |
三月份的營業額直直落。 |
9. |
Profits rose sharply in the third quarter, peaking at 700,000 dollars. |
利潤在第三季巨幅上揚,最高達七十萬美元。 |
10. |
There's been a significant increase in telephone orders, as you can see. |
你們可以看到,電話訂購的部分大量增加。 |
11. |
Our costs have been fluctuating wildly because of oil prices. |
我們的成本由於油價而一直劇烈波動著。 |
12. |
Sales dipped after Christmas, but they recovered in February. |
營業額在聖誕節後即下降,但到了二月份又恢復了。 |
13. |
Profits dropped sharply and bottomed out in February. |
利潤呈巨幅衰退,並在二月份達到最低點。 |
14. |
Marketing costs have been holding steady for the past few months. |
在過去的幾個月,行銷成本始終維持不變。 |
15. |
Our labor costs have risen steadily since last year. |
從去年以來,我們的人工成本即呈穩定成長的態勢。 |