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2014/04/25 第203期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂-神秘的復活節島
【英語學習Plus】 Post Office 郵局
【本月發燒書】 Fun學英文簡報
【好康情報局】 感恩週年慶全館單書85折起
Easter Island
There is an isolated island in the vast stretch of the Pacific Ocean, somewhere between Chile in South America and Tahiti in Polynesia. The history of this island highlights some of the best and worst aspects of human civilization. .......more
<< 節錄「寂天講堂」-神秘的復活節島 >>
Post Office 郵局

Which window is for mail service? 請問寄信的窗口在哪裡?

Which window is for registered mail? 寄掛號信的窗口是哪一個?

At which window can I mail this package [parcel]? 寄包裹的窗口是哪一個?

I’d like to send this by airmail. 這封信我要用航空郵件寄。

By sea mail, please. 我要寄海運。

I’d like to send this by express mail. 這個要寄快捷。

Please send this by special delivery. 這個要寄快遞。

Please send this letter by registered mail. 這封信要寄掛號。

I’d like to send this as printed matter. 這個請當印刷品寄。

What is the fastest way to send this? 用什麼方式寄會最快抵達?

I’d like to send this the quickest way. 我這個想用最快的方式寄送。

What is the cheapest way to send this? 哪一種郵寄方式的費用最便宜?

I’d like to send a money order to Honolulu. 我想寄匯票到檀香山。

Can I cash this postal money order? 這張郵政匯票可以換成現金嗎?

How much is the postage on this? 這個郵資是多少錢?

How much will it be by airmail? 寄空運要多少錢?

What’s the registration fee? 掛號費是多少?

How much is it altogether? 總共是多少錢?

How much is the postage to Taiwan? 寄到台灣的郵資要多少錢?

How much will it cost to send this? 寄這個要多少郵資?

Twelve thirty-cent stamps, please. 我要12張30分錢的郵票。

I’d like five fifteen-cent stamps, ten twenty-five-cent stamps, and twenty postcards, please. 我要買5張0.15元和10張0.25元的郵票,還要20張明信片。

Can you give me fifteen aerograms? 我要買15張航空郵簡。

I’d like to have this package insured. 這個包裹我想加掛保險。

I’d like to insure this package for $200. 這個包裹我想保險200塊美金。

What is the maximum coverage? 最高的賠償金額是多少?

Is there a weight limit? 有重量的限制嗎?

Do I need to fill out a customs declaration form? 我需要填寫海關申報表嗎?

How do I fill in this declaration form? 我要怎麼填寫這張申請表呢?


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