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2019/03/22 第454期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 談論購物區
【本月發燒書】 高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略3【二版】》

【寂天講堂 - hot是熱的或是性感的?】

遇到天氣好熱,想說I am hot擔心誤會嗎?其實一般情境中,我們不會被聽的人斷章取義或誤會,但是想要更精準的表達,可以選擇使用it's so hot來代替描述,下面介紹hot在英士和美式英語中的的相關用法:


•Margo Scott said, "Oh, it's so hot!"
(英式、美式 → 瑪歌• 史考特說:「哎,好熱啊!」)

•Margo Scott said, "Oh, I'm so hot!"
(英式 → 瑪歌•史考特說:「哎,我好熱啊!」)
(美式 → 瑪歌•史考特說:「哎,我好性感啊!」)


★ 如果想表示「熱的」,最好說「It is hot.」。

★ hot 還可以表示「性感的」,尤其在美式英語中。因此,「I'm hot.」包含兩個意思,除了表示「我感覺很熱」,也可以表示「我 很性感,讓人想入非非」。

• Dot is really hot!(達特好性感啊!)

★ 注意,英式英語中的「I'm hot.」主要指「熱」。

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「hot是熱的或是性感的?」

談論購物區 Talking about shopping districts

Tourist: I'd really like to do some shopping while I'm in Taipei. Are there any good shopping areas in the city?
Guide: Of course. There are actually lots of fantastic shopping districts.
Tourist:I've heard about one called Ximending. Is that a good place to go?
Guide: It is. It's a really fun, exciting place. It's especially popular with younger people, and you'll find a lot of youth fashion there.
Tourist: Oh, I think I might be a bit too old for that. Where else could I go?
Guide: I would recommend the Xinyi District. There are several very good department stores in the area, and I'm sure you'll find everything you want.
Tourist:Will I find a good bookstore there? I'd like to buy a couple of novels.
Guide:There are two, actually. There's an Eslite bookstore, which is the biggest in Taiwan. It has a large section for English books. There's also a great bookstore in the 101 department store.

遊客: 我到台北一定要好好血拼一下,那邊有不錯的購物區嗎?
導遊: 當然有啊,那邊其實有很多超讚的購物區。
遊客: 我聽過一個叫西門町的,好逛嗎?
遊客: 哦,我想我可能太老了,不適合那裡。還有哪裡可以去?
導遊: 我會推薦信義區,那邊有幾家非常棒的百貨公司,你一定找得到你要的東西。
遊客: 那邊有好書店嗎?我想買幾本小說。
導遊:那邊其實有兩家,一家是台灣最大的誠品書店,其中有很大一區賣英文書。台北101 購物中心也有一間很棒的書店。



國際專業飯店前檯英語 (20K彩色+1MP3+解答別冊)


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