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2019/05/17 第462期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 東海岸:花蓮與台東
【本月發燒書】 用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 【彩圖四版】(16K +解答別冊+1MP3)
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《新制多益850超命中攻略:搶分密技+3回擬真試題【雙書附解析】》

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「簡單現代式 & 現在進行式」

東海岸:花蓮與台東 The East Coast—Hualien and Taitung

The East Coast—Hualien and Taitung

Hualien City is famous for its stone carvings. Every year, it holds an international stone carving festival. This festival has become famous worldwide. Traditionally, visitors have bought marble when they came to Hualien. Unfortunately, marble cutting has begun to have a negative effect on the environment in local mountainous areas. So if you visit, it might be a better idea to buy some jade instead.

It also has pleasant parks, temples, Japanesestyle buildings, and coastline. If you go to Hualien, you must visit Taroko National Park, named after Taroko Gorge. The word Taroko means "magnificent and beautiful" in the local tribe's language. The park is full of magnificent gorges and cliffs. It is one of Taiwan's national parks and it's a great opportunity to experience some of the island's untouched natural beauty.

Hualien also has some famous foods and snacks, such as mochi (rice cake) and wonton.

Taitung is the other main city on the east coast. It has a population of around 109,000 people. Visitors should be sure to visit Taitung's National Museum of Prehistory and Peinan Cultural Park. The Peinan Cultural Park is an archeological site that was discovered by accident during the construction of a railway station in 1980. The park shows how prehistoric peoples used to live thousands of years ago.

If you're interested in local art, then the Taitung Railway Art Village shouldn't be overlooked. The Taitung government converted several of the city's old railway station buildings into exhibition halls for local artists. The end result is a comfortable space that mixes modern art with local history.

There are so many things to see in Hualien and Taitung. They are also noted for their hot springs resources. Zhiben Hot Springs in Taitung County is one of the most famous hot springs in Taiwan. It is a sodium bicarbonate spring and the temperature of the water can reach as high as 85°C.

Taiwan's east coast offers cultural experiences as well as natural resources. You can also head for one of the offshore islands, Green Island or Lanyu (Orchid Island), from here. You will never be bored when visiting the east coast of Taiwan! Just be sure to go slow and take it easy!





台東是東部的另一個大城,人口約10 萬9 千人。遊客一定要去參觀國立台灣史前文化博物館和卑南文化公園。卑南文化公園是座考古遺址,是1980 年要建造一座火車站時所意外發現。公園裡展現數千年前


花蓮和台東有好多事物可看。當地的溫泉也很有名。台東縣的知本溫泉是台灣最有名的溫泉之一,屬於碳酸氫鈉泉,水溫可高達攝氏85 度。


──────選自《用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 〔彩圖三版〕》
用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 【彩圖四版】(16K +解答別冊+1MP3)

彩圖KK音標一學就會【熱銷二版】(25K +1MP3)

觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】 (25K彩圖+1MP3)

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