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2019/07/12 第470期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 承接古今的尼羅河
【本月發燒書】 挑戰新制多益聽力閱讀滿分:模擬試題2000題【雙書合訂本】(16K+1MP3)
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《歌劇魅影 The Phantom of the Opera【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)》

【口語會話 Follow me 】

Don't be so modest.

A: The board has assigned me to design the holiday invitations, but I'm not much of an artist.
B: Don't be so modest. You're a wonderful artist!

A: 董事會指定要我設計節日邀請卡,但我沒什麼特別的藝術天份。
B: 別謙虛了,你可是位厲害的藝術家呢!

────── 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》

承接古今的尼羅河 The Nile River

Measuring in at almost 6,853 kilometers in length, the Nile is the longest river in the world.

Most people associate the Nile with Egypt, but in fact, only about 22% of the river can be found there. Perhaps this association came from the ancient Egyptians. After all, one of the world's oldest civilizations began on the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians relied heavily on water from the Nile for their food. Every year between June and September, the Nile would flood. The flood produced a thick layer of black silt that was ideal for growing crops. These annual floods carried on for thousands of years until 1970, when the Egyptian government completed the Aswan Dam. The Nile also provided a valuable mode of transportation for trading with other civilizations, from Europe to Southwest Asia. It helped Egypt turn into a trading center that brought the entire ancient world together.

The Nile River has two major tributaries: the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The White Nile got its name from the white clay that flows in its waters. It starts at Lake Victoria in central Africa. The Blue Nile, on the other hand, starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, and it joins the White Nile near the Sudanese capital of Khartoum. The Blue Nile is very important for Egyptians because it accounts for 56% of the Nile water that flows northward through Egypt and into the Mediterranean Sea.

The Nile is still a fundamental part of life in Egypt. The river accounts for almost all of Egypt's drinking water. It also provides the water needed to grow food. But Egypt may be facing water shortages in the near future. Egypt's population is projected to grow over the next few decades, which will increase the demand for Nile River water. Demand will also increase in the countries where the Nile's tributaries are located, including Ethiopia and Burundi. To remedy the problem, the Egyptian government is planning to renovate the Aswan Dam and increase its water efficiency. It's also encouraging people to move inland and away from the Nile in order to reduce crowding.

全長近6,853 公里的尼羅河,堪稱全世界最長的河流。

只要提及尼羅河,多數人就會聯想到埃及,殊不知僅有22% 的尼羅河流域流經埃及而已。或許這樣的聯想來自於古埃及人。畢竟,全球最古老的文明之一起源於尼羅河河畔。古埃及人十分仰賴尼羅河來維持生計。每年六至九月,尼羅河就會開始泛濫。豐沛河水會產生一層厚實的黑色淤泥,成為適合耕種作物的肥沃土壤。每年洪水暴漲的情形維持了數千年,直到1970 年,埃及政府建造的亞斯文水壩竣工為止。





小王子The Little Prince【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)

英文文法全書【二版】 (32K彩色軟精裝)

焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 3)【三版】(16K+1MP3)

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