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2011/11/10 第34期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份DiscoveTaipei
本期主題 Yongkang and Gongguan Shops Transformed into Bright New Points
Yongkang and Gongguan Shops Transformed into Bright New Points
文/Discover Taipei

Each city presents a distinctive face to the world, reflecting the thought patterns and living styles of local residents and forming a defining personality recognized by those outside. This is not achieved by words or slogans but takes form on the streets in a process that might be called“design by stealth,”via countless individual designs and free of any preordained plan. A key component of this“living design”is the facades, signage, and displays of countless small businesses.

As a prelude to the upcoming 2011 IDA Congress Taipei, the“Taipei City Creative and Design Industry Development Plan”(臺北市創意暨設計產業發展計畫) sponsored by the city govt.'s Dept. of Economic Development (臺北市政府產業發展局) and executed by the Taiwan Design Center (台灣創意設計中心) have brought together professional designers and work groups to carry out a“mini design revolution”in the Yongkang and Gongguan commercial districts (永康/公館商圈), transforming the looks of 17 businesses and adding new glitter to this city's ever-transforming public face.

A Commercial Cluster of Unique Character

This year is a very big year in Taiwan—both the Republic of China's centennial and the Taiwan Year of Design (臺灣設計年). With“Over the Top”(跨越心世紀) as its theme, Taipei City is rolling out an enticing series of design-related events, with the Taipei City Creative and Design Industry Development Plan a key link. A new cluster of attractive businesses with a special character and a village-like feel has been sculpted,“killing three birds with one stone”— upgrading their individual and collective brand images, enhancing sales performance, and cultivating the public's aesthetic sensibilities.

Among the 17 in the cluster, 12 are in the Yongkang commercial district: Chung's Silver Work Studio (玩銀工房), Wheat, Fofashan (佛法山), The Green Steps (永康階) Cafe, Anta Pottery (安達窯), La Petite Perle (小珍珠烘培坊), Hui Liu (回留), Cloud Hues (雲彩軒), At Home Chinese Gift Shop (成家家居), Roaster Family Coffee (信義烘焙者咖啡專賣店), Dream Castle (夢幻城堡), and Chocoholic (巧克哈克). The five Gonguan enterprises are Fembooks (女書店), House No. 202 Steak and Pasta, Oola A&M Restaurant, Samovar (莎慕瓦典藏茶館) teahouse, and PP99 (品品99咖啡輕食館) cafe.

Both Style and Intimacy - Creativity Full to the Brim

Hui Liu is a teahouse where the classical and the modern rendezvous. After undergoing its makeover, out front there is now a small garden with a strong flavor of Chinese classicism, and within an ambiance of elegance that complements the upscale teas and foods has been added with the use of classical old mounted photos. Information on upcoming cultural events is also posted inside. The result is a space where those with a keen eye on arts and culture naturally come to congregate. At La Petite Perle bakery, an intimate touch has been added with the introduction of a pet column, allowing dog owners out for a stroll to conveniently drop in to buy tomorrow's breakfast without having to worry where to tie up their beloved pet.

In Gongguan, Fembooks, which specializes in titles on feminist issues, has complemented its entrance steps with public artwork and an attractive signboard in purple and white. House No. 202 has kept its whimsical illustration theme, and now sports wonderfully oversized top-to-bottom images of a knife, fork, and spoon in one of the French windows in its facade. On its second level, it now sports bonsai formed in the shape of the heads of Scottish guardsmen. Set off by comforting blue and white trim lines, the facade beckons to people looking for a friendly oasis in which to most profitably spend their precious leisure time.

The Yongkang and Gongguan areas are communities with many a proud and independent small business of artistic-cultural bent. They are an inviting duo for folks— like you who want to spend time among other folks of the same life outlook and same aesthetic sensibility. The many appearance changes made to businesses in these areas are most attractive on the facade level—but these are far more than just mere faces and are now even prettier than before, and the pleasures within await your discovery.

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蘋果靈魂人物賈伯斯日前因病辭世震驚全球。這位被稱為「美國過去 25 年來最成功的執行長」,他最後公開發表的原汁原味辭職信,你看得懂多少?

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