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2020/02/17第333期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 在吃到飽餐廳用餐
延伸學習: 在自助餐餐廳
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 2020 線上國際書展
At a Buffet

1. Sampling the Food
Mark is seated with a plate of food in front of him. Heather sets down a plate full of food and takes a seat.
M=Mark H=Heather
M: See, this is why I’m not a big fan of buffets.
H: How so?
M: The people you’re with are always away from the table to get food. There’s no chance to talk. You end up sitting alone for half the time.
H: Yeah, but look at all the food! How many fried shrimp do you think I can eat?
M: I don’t know, 20?
H: I bet you I can eat more than 20 shrimp.
M: I’ll take that bet.
H: Great. Loser has to pay for the meal.
M: Sure. Where’d you get the prime rib?
H: Beside the salad bar, there’s a carving station. The chef will give you as many slices as you want.
M: Be right back.

2. Asking for a Discount
Mark and Heather have finished their meal.
M=Mark H=Heather W=Waiter
H: (Counting shrimp tails) . . . 36 . . . 37 shrimp. I hate to say I told you so.
M: (Signals for a waiter) I’m equally impressed and disgusted. I would never have guessed you could eat like that. Where does it all go?
H: I definitely loosened my belt at around shrimp number 22.
(A waiter approaches the table.)
W: Ready for the bill?
M: Yes. Do you offer birthday discounts? It’s the shrimp queen’s birthday.
W: You can get 10 percent off. Just need to see some ID.
H: Here you go.
W: You can also get an additional 5 percent off if you add us on Facebook.
M: Good to know. I’ll do that now.
W: I’ll be back with your bill.


1. 品嚐美食

2. 詢問折扣
海瑟: (數蝦尾)……三十六……三十七隻蝦。我真不想說我早就跟你說過了。
馬克: (向服務生示意)我既佩服又覺得反胃。我沒想到妳這麼能吃。它都到哪去了?
海瑟: 我確實在二十二隻蝦左右鬆開了我的腰帶。
馬克: 是的。你們有提供生日折扣嗎?今天是蝦后的生日。
海瑟: 在這裡。
馬克: 很高興知道這件事。我現在就加。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.226 2月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

At a Buffet

chafing dish (食物保溫用)暖鍋
plate 盤子
tongs 夾子(恆用複數形)
salad bar 沙拉吧
sashimi 生魚片;刺身
cobia 海鱺
tuna 鮪魚
salad dressing 沙拉醬; 沙拉調料
mussel 淡菜;貽貝
salmon 鮭魚
shrimp 蝦子
charcuterie board 熟食冷肉盤
thousand island dressing 千島醬
Japanese dressing 日式和風醬
Caesar dressing 凱薩醬
assorted cheese platter 綜合起司盤
sweet-and-sour pork 糖醋排骨
fried noodles 炒麵
chef 廚師
Peking duck 北京烤鴨
shrimp fried rice 蝦仁炒飯
dim sum 港式點心
prime rib 牛肋排
carving station 現切台;切肉台
chocolate fountain 巧克力噴泉
beverage station 飲料台
ice cream freezer 冰淇淋櫃
bread and dessert 麵包與甜點
doughnut 甜甜圈
baguette 長棍麵包
strawberry cake 草莓蛋糕
multigrain bread 雜糧麵包
tiramisu 提拉米蘇
bagel 貝果
macaron 馬卡龍

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Mark is seated with a plate of food in front of him. Heather sets down a plate full of food and takes a seat.


2020 線上國際書展

雜誌xCheers 下殺56折

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