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2020/10/12第366期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 開學書展大作戰
You Need a Doctor, so Why a Snake on a Stick?

You see it in hospitals and doctor’s offices: an image of snakes on a stick. Since these animals can be dangerous, why are they part of a symbol for medicine?
To begin with, there are actually two medical symbols with snakes. One is the Rod of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, and it shows a snake wrapped around a stick. For the ancient Greeks, a snake’s shedding of its skin represented rebirth. That’s partly how a snake became a symbol of healing and a supposed cure for various diseases.
The other symbol, the Staff of Hermes, has two snakes wrapped around a stick. Hermes was a Greek god who protected travelers. He’s connected with medicine because doctors in ancient times often had to walk long distances to see patients. In one story, Hermes tried to break up a fight between two snakes by throwing a stick at them. The snakes wrapped themselves around the stick and stayed there. Hermes liked the stick and made it his staff. As these stories show, snakes may be dangerous, but they’ve long been linked to saving lives.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.234 10月號Live互動英語雜誌 》


(由stay(停留)和vacation(假期)組成的名詞,也可稱為stay-at-home vacation)

visit a local museum or zoo v. phr. 參觀本地博物館或動物園
go for a bike ride v. phr. 騎腳踏車
have a picnic v. phr. 舉辦野餐會
binge-watch v. 追劇
go camping v. phr. 露營
eat out at a fancy restaurant v. phr. 到高級餐廳吃飯
take an exercise class v. phr. 上運動課程

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, staycations—vacations spent at home or near home—have come back into fashion.


2020/10/12 (一)

He took part in singing, drama, and cheerleading, which made him a target for bullies.

2020/10/13 (二)

Veganism is important to Mraz.

2020/10/14 (三)

In the second century, a Greek doctor named Galen wrote about the practice of using soap to clean the body.

2020/10/15 (四)

One reason that soap has been so common throughout history is that it isn't hard to make.

2020/10/16 (五)

For the ancient Greeks, a snake's shedding of its skin represented rebirth.



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