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2020/11/16第371期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 歡慶雙11購物節
Body Temperatures Aren’t as Simple as We Think

Quick, what’s the average human body temperature? Well, if you said 37 degrees Celsius, you are . . . wrong. It turns out that the average body temperature has dropped in the past hundred and fifty years, according to a new study. “What everybody grew up learning, which is that our normal temperature is 37, is wrong,” said Julie Parsonnet, a Stanford University medical professor. She and her team looked at medical data from three different time periods: 1862 to 1930, 1971 to 1975, and 2007 to 2017. Comparing the data, they found that body temperatures had decreased by about 0.02°C per decade. So what’s the new normal? It’ s 36.6°C, says the study. As for the cause, one possibility is that living in temperature-controlled buildings has changed our bodies. They don’t need to work as hard to maintain a normal temperature. Another is less inflammation in people’s bodies. Inflammation causes your body to use more energy, which increases body temperature. Advances in medical treatments and improved standards of living have led to less inflammation across the population compared to 200 years ago. Whatever the cause is, simply put, our bodies are changing.


快,人的平均體溫是多少?嗯,如果你說攝氏三十七度,你就……錯了。根據一項新的研究,在過去一百五十年平均體溫已經下降。 史丹佛大學醫學教授茱莉.帕索內說:「每個人成長過程所學的,即我們的正常溫度是三十七度,是錯的。」 她和她的團隊檢視三個不同時期的醫療數據:一八六二年至一九三○年、一九七一年至一九七五年和二○○七年至二○一七年。對比數據,他們發現每十年體溫下降約攝氏○點○二度。那麼新的常態是什麼呢? 這項研究表示是攝氏三十六點六度。 至於原因,有一種可能是在溫度受到控制的建築中生活改變了我們的身體。身體不需要花那麼多力氣來維持正常溫度。另一個原因是人體的發炎症狀減少。發炎會讓你的身體使用更多的精力,這會讓體溫升高。相較於兩百年前,醫療的進步和提升的生活水準使得整體人口的發炎減少。不管原因是什麼,簡單來說,我們的身體正在改變。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.235 11月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

OTT (over-the-top) media service

近年來,OTT媒體服務(指一種透過網路直接向觀眾提供內容的串流服務)已改變大家的收視習慣,各式各樣的OTT服務平台,如Netflix(網飛)、Disney+以及Apple TV+等皆變得越來越普遍,觀眾可以隨時隨地選擇想要收看的節目、集數等。

streaming service   n. phr.  串流服務
simultaneously  adv.  同步地;同時發生地
jump on the bandwagon   v. phr.  跟隨潮流
content  n. (電視節目、書等)內容

VOD為Video On Demand的首字母縮寫,通常可翻為「隨選視訊」,其付費方式可分為:
SVOD (Subscription Video On Demand) 訂閱式隨選視訊(以包月無限看為主)
PVOD (Premium Video On Demand) 加值隨選視訊(單片付費收看近期上映的院線新片)
       Over-the-top media services like Netflix offer an attractive alternative to traditional cable TV services for many users.


2020/11/16 (一)

Advances in medical treatments and improved standards of living have led to less inflammation across the population compared to 200 years ago.

2020/11/17 (二)

According to one study, women are comfortable at a temperature of 24-25°C, which is 2.5°C higher than the temperature preferred by men.

2020/11/18 (三)

People often do something that goes against their own wishes because of peer pressure.

2020/11/19 (四)

The 36-year-old American musician grew up in a religious family.

2020/11/20 (五)

Besides her music, fans love Perry for her stage performances.




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