簡介: |
The Food Ordering Revolution |
美食外送革命 宅經濟新勢力 |
Giving consumers a centralized marketplace to order food, a new generation of apps has turned the takeout game on its head. The ones leading the charge are disrupters such as Just Eat, Foodpanda, and Grubhub, who have made significant inroads with time-starved millennials and GenXers. Much like Uber and Airbnb before them, the secret ingredient? to their success has been their ability to make an existing process more convenient, reliable, and competitive. |
新一代的應用程式提供消費者一個點餐的集中市場,因而顛覆了外帶產業的戰局。打頭陣的是諸如 Just Eat、空腹熊貓與 GrubHub 的改革者,他們在分秒必爭的千禧世代與 X 世代中大有斬獲。猶如在此之前的優步和 Airbnb,其成功秘訣就在於他們能將既有程序變得更便利、可靠,且具有競爭力。 |
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.182 2月號biz互動英語雜誌 》 |
2019/2/11(一) |
If you have your receipt, I can process this refund for you.
如果您有收據的話,我就可以幫您辦理退款。 |
2019/2/12(二) |
For each dollar you spend, you earn one bonus point on your membership card.
您每花一元,您的會員卡就可獲得一點紅利。 |
2019/2/13(三) |
If you shop on your birthday, you earn 20 times the usual amount. Also, don't forget that once you reach 300 points, you can deduct one dollar from your purchase.
如果您在生日當天購物,可獲得二十倍的點數。還有,別忘了一旦集滿三百點,消費就可折抵一元。 |
2019/2/14(四) |
Although they're a bit more expensive, this range of bath and shower gels is gentle on the skin and organic.
這系列的沐浴露雖然比較貴,但不會刺激肌膚,且是有機的。 |
2019/2/15(五) |
I would recommend this anti-aging facial mask. It contains several key ingredients to combat wrinkles and fine lines.
我會推薦這款抗老面膜。它含有數種對抗皺紋及細紋的重要成分。 |