簡介: |
The Business of Mega-Best-Selling Authors |
億萬暢銷作家的淬鍊之路 |
Despite people having access to a near-infinite amount of content in the form of blogs, online videos, and podcasts, the written word has fared better than many expected it would. Authors such as Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and Margaret Atwood perennially top best-sellers lists without any signs of slowing down. They are not alone, either. These days, a slew of high-profile writers are breathing life into the publishing industry. |
儘管人們能以部落格、網路影片和播客的形式來接觸數量近乎無窮無盡的內容,書面文字的表現卻比許多人所預期的還要好。史蒂芬.金、J.K.羅琳與瑪格麗特.愛特伍之類的作者都是暢銷排行榜冠軍的常客,且絲毫沒有任何放慢腳步的跡象。他們也不是特例。現今,大批高知名度的作家正為出版業注入活力。 |
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.184 4月號biz互動英語雜誌 》 |
2019/4/22(一) |
The deadline to make good on the donation pledges is just a month away.
履行捐獻抵押的截止日只剩一個月了。 |
2019/4/23(二) |
Jerry didn't expect to meet with such resistance to revising the company pay structure.
傑瑞沒有預期在修正公司薪資結構上遭受如此的阻力。 |
2019/4/24(三) |
As the university's president, I first and foremost feel a responsibility to the students who've chosen to study here.
作為這所大學的校長,我首要感受到對於選擇在此就讀學生的責任。 |
2019/4/25(四) |
According to the legend, many a hero had tried to slay the dragon, but all lost their lives.
根據傳說,很多英雄嘗試屠龍,但全都犧牲了生命。 |
2019/4/26(五) |
Despite opposition from animal rights groups, the tradition of bullfighting is alive and well in Spain.
儘管有著來自動物權益團體的反對,鬥牛傳統在西班牙仍深具影響力。 |