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2019/07/29第321期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

本周焦點: 訂閱經濟:最潮商業趨勢
上班族充電站: 上班族每日一句
活動快遞: HIW+科學少年


The Subscription Economy: Valuing Access Over Ownership
From hamburger chains to toothbrush manufacturers, seemingly everyone and their mother is offering a subscription service. In the software industry alone, 80 percent of developers will have transitioned to software-as-a-service-based schemes in place of legacy products? by 2020. Taken as a whole, the growth of the global subscription economy is phenomenal, growing by 300 percent in seven years and regularly outperforming the S&P 500 and U.S. retail sales by a wide margin. The rationale behind making the shift is clear — how far it will go is less so.
從漢堡連鎖店到牙刷製造商,似乎許多人都在提供訂閱服務。單就軟體業來看,八成的開發商會在 2020 年前轉用奠基於軟體即服務的營運計畫,以取代傳統產品。整體而言,全球訂閱經濟的成長驚人,於七年內增加了三倍,且經常大幅領先標普 500 指數與美國零售業務。進行此等轉移的根本原因很清楚,會持續多久就不得而知了。
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.187 7月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2019/7/29(一) I would think that a well-educated man like Stephen should have no problem finding work.

2019/7/30(二) National Health Insurance covers free health exams every three years for those aged 40-65 and yearly after turning 66.
健保給付 40 至 65 歲的人可每三年免費健康檢查一次,66 歲以上的人則是每年一次。

2019/7/31(三) A premarital health check assesses the risk of possible recessive diseases in both partners.

2019/8/1(四) While your company is paying for a basic medical check, you can purchase additional items to suit your needs.

2019/8/2(五) A comprehensive eye exam of eyesight, color discrimination, and intraocular pressure can reveal signs of underlying systemic illnesses.
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