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2011/11/15 第32期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Popping off the Page 寓教於樂的 3D 立體書
by Matthew Brown
An old tradition that continues to thrill, pop-up books captivate the young and old alike.

  Watching children look through pop-up books for the first time is a great experience. As they turn the pages, the characters jump _(1)_ out of the books to greet them, and they are utterly fascinated. These _(2)_ creations aren't just for kids. Many adults also find themselves fascinated as they turn the pages within.
  Pop-up books are designed _(3)_ parts of the two-page spread will spring out when you turn each page. The _(4)_ is three-dimensional. The best pop-up books go beyond merely having pictures come out of the pages. Readers can move parts of the pop-out illustrations, lift flaps to _(5)_ secret images, and even move gears that work like machines.
  Pop-up books didn't start with children's literature. The first known pop-up book was on astrology, which would _(6)_ make a fantastic subject for 3D illustrations. The _(7)_ book was made by a writer and philosopher in 1306. It wasn't _(8)_ the 1800s that pop-up books really started to take off, which is also when they started being made into children's books. Pop-up books experienced a _(9)_ in the 1960s, when artists rediscovered the magic of older versions and used them for new subjects. Artists like Matthew Reinhart and Robert Sabuda have produced incredible pop-up books on Star Wars, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and Alice in Wonderland. The great thing about pop-up books is that anyone can learn how to make them and _(10)_ their own innovations. The only limits to pop-up books are the artist's imagination.

(A) until (B) effect (C) so that (D) revival (E) incorporate (F) right (G) initial (H) no doubt (I) uncover (J) imaginative


1. As they turn the pages, the characters jump right out of the books to greet them, and they are utterly fascinated. 理由:
a. 空格所在的句子結構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞或副詞片語,修飾其後的介詞片語 out of the books(從書中)。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (F) right(恰恰、正好)和 (H) no doubt(無疑地),然僅 right 可置於表場所的副詞(如 here, there),或副詞片語(含介詞片語,如:above/behind/out of/in front of... + 地方)之前,為強調用法,故選 (F)。
例: Slow down! There is a police car right behind us.
(開慢一點!我們正後方有 1 輛警車。)

2. These imaginative creations aren't just for kids. 理由:
a. 空格前有指示形容詞 These(這些),空格後有名詞 creations(創作品),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (G) initial(開始的,最初的)和 (J) imaginative(運用/富有想像力的),然僅 (J) 置入後符合語意,表這些『饒富想像力的』創作所訴求的對象不全然是兒童,故選之。
c. imaginative a.(文學作品)運用想像力創作的;(人)富有想像力的
例: Kathy is good at making up imaginative bedtime stories.

3. Pop-up books are designed so that parts of the two-page spread will spring out when you turn each page. 理由:
a. 空格前後均為結構完整的句子,可知空格應置入連接詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) until(直到……)和 (C) so that(以便……),然僅 (C) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. so that...  以便/如此……
例: Catherine left home early so that she would arrive at the airport on time.

4. The effect is three-dimensional. 理由:
a. 空格前有定冠詞 The,空格後有 be 動詞 is,可知空格內應置入名詞,作主詞用。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) effect(結果;效果)、(D) revival(再流行)和 (G) initial(姓名或組織名稱等的首字母),然僅 (B) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. effect n. 結果;效果
例: Headaches are one of the side effects of this medicine.

5. Readers can move parts of the pop-out illustrations, lift flaps to uncover secret images, and... 理由:
a. 空格前有不定詞的 to,空格後有名詞詞組 secret images(暗藏的圖像),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (E) incorporate(使併入;使合併)、(G) initial(在……簽上姓名的首字母)和 (I) uncover(揭露;發現),然僅 (I) 置入後符合語意,表『揭開』暗藏的圖像,故選之。
c. uncover vt. 揭露;發現
例: Sherlock Holmes always uncovers the truth with logical reasoning.

6.The first known pop-up book was on astrology, which would no doubt make a fantastic subject for 3D illustrations. 理由:
a. 空格所在的子句句構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞或副詞片語修飾整句。
b. 選項中僅 (H) no doubt(無疑地)符合上述,且置入後符合語意,表占星術『無疑』是製作立體插圖的最佳題材,故選之。
c. no doubt  無疑地
= undoubtedly adv.
= doubtlessly adv.
= doubtless adv.
例: You'll no doubt win the prize since you're the best writer nominated.

7. The initial book was made by a writer and philosopher in 1306.理由:
a. 空格前有定冠詞 The,空格後有名詞 book(書本),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (G) initial(最初的,開始的),置入後亦符合語意,表『第 1 本』立體書是由 1 位作家兼哲學家於 1306 年所製作的,故選之。
c. initial a. 最初的,開始的;初期的
例: Construction of this park is still in its initial stages.

8. It wasn't until the 1800s that pop-up books really started to take off, which is also when they started being made into children's books.理由:
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
It is/was not until + 表時間的名詞/子句 + that 子句  直到……才……
例: It was not until 1783 that the United States gained independence from Britain.
(美國一直到 1783 年才脫離英國獨立。)
例: It was not until Gina attended college that she started wearing her hair long.
b. 空格後有表時間的名詞 the 1800s(19 世紀)及 that 引導的子句,故根據上述,可知 (A) until 應為正選。

9. Pop-up books experienced a revival in the 1960s, when artists rediscovered the magic of older versions and used them for new subjects.理由:
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,可知空格內應置入單數形的可數名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (D) revival(再流行),置入後亦符合語意,表立體書於 1960 年代『再度流行』,故選之。
c. revival n. 再流行;復興
例: There has been a recent revival in impressionism.

10. The great thing about pop-up books is that anyone can learn how to make them and incorporate their own innovations.理由:
a. 空格前有不定詞片語 to make them 和對等連接詞 and,空格後有名詞詞組 their own innovations(他們自己創作的東西),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (E) incorporate(使併入;使合併),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. incorporate vt. 使併入;使合併
例: Amy tried to incorporate everyone's opinion into her final design.

  1. pop vi. 突然迸出,突然冒出
    pop up  突然出現/發生
    = spring up
    例: A button popped off Jack's shirt when he started coughing really hard.
    例: Recently, many coffee shops have popped up in my neighborhood.
  2. greet vt. 迎接;問候
    greet sb with...  用……迎接或歡迎某人
    例: The grandparents greeted their grandchildren with hugs and kisses.
  3. utterly adv. 完全地
    = completely adv.
    例: The driver's explanation for what caused the accident was utterly unacceptable.
  4. spring vi. 跳起,躍起;突然冒出
    spring, sprang, sprung。
    例: Gary sprang out from behind the door and scared me.
  5. go beyond...  超出/超過……;不止於……
    例: Winnie's problems go beyond her inability to get along with others.
  6. take off  開始大受歡迎;突然開始成功
    例: Albert felt a sense of relief when his business finally took off.
  7. incredible a. 驚人的,極妙的
    例: The magic show was so incredible that the audience gave it a standing ovation.
    * ovation n. 熱烈鼓掌
  8. innovation n. 新事物,新發明(可數);創新(不可數)
    innovative a. 創新的
    例: The touch screen is one of the latest innovations in cell phone technology.
  1. pop-up a.(書)會跳起立體圖片的,彈起的
  2. a pop-up book  3D 立體書
  3. fascinated a. 被迷住的,著迷的
  4. spread n.(書本、雜誌等橫跨 2 頁所組成的)跨頁
  5. three-dimensional a. 立體的
  6. illustration n. 插圖,圖案
  7. flap n.(書中的)翻頁,摺頁
  8. gear n. 傳動裝置;齒輪
  9. literature n. 文學
  10. astrology n. 占星術
  11. philosopher n. 哲學家
  12. version n. 版本
  13. wizard n. 巫師
  14. imagination n. 想像力

寓教於樂的 3D 立體書
看小朋友第 1 次翻閱立體書是種奇妙的經驗。書中的主角們在小朋友翻頁之際從書中躍然而出,而小朋友完全被映入眼簾的景象所迷住。這些饒富想像力的創作所訴求的對象不全然是兒童,許多成人在翻閱立體書時也為之著迷。
  立體書經過設計,好讓讀者翻閱每 1 頁的時候,跨頁上的部分圖案就會跳出來。而這所呈現出來的效果是立體的。設計精美的立體書不只有會從書頁跳出來的圖案,讀者甚至可以移動一些立體的插圖、翻開摺頁顯現暗藏的圖像,甚至拉動像機器一樣運轉的傳動裝置。
  立體書的起源並非來自兒童文學。目前所知的第 1 本立體書和占星術有關,而占星術無疑是製作立體插圖的最佳題材。這第 1 本立體書是由 1 位作家兼哲學家於 1306 年所製作的。但立體書一直到 19 世紀才開始大受歡迎,也是在這個時期開始被製作成兒童書籍。立體書於 1960 年代再度流行,這個時期的藝術家重新發現舊版立體書的魅力,並套用新的題材來製作。像 Matthew Reinhart 和 Robert Sabuda 等藝術家已經製作出令人讚嘆的《星際大戰》、《綠野仙蹤》和《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》等立體書。立體書最棒的部分是任何人都可以學習如何製作,並加入自己的創意。它唯一的限制僅在於藝術家是否有豐富的想像力。

答案: 1. (F) 2. (J) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (I) 6. (H) 7. (G) 8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (E)

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