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2012/11/06 第83期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Down to the Earth's Core 地心探險之旅
by Marcus Maurice
Humans have landed spaceships on Mars, but have yet to travel to the Earth's core.

  In 1970, a team of Russian geologists started a mission in Finland to see how far they could drill into the Earth. The team dug and dug until they came to a depth that melted the drill bit. Nearly 20 years' worth of hard labor culminated in drilling only 12 kilometers under the surface, which in 1989 was the deepest artificial point anyone had ever reached. Since then, there have been two oil wells in Qatar and Russia that have gone deeper. One question remains, though. How is it possible to send rovers to Mars, which is at least 54 million kilometers from Earth, but only drill down a few kilometers with all the modern technology we have?
  This month, National Geographic Channel (NGC) takes viewers on a journey from the concrete sidewalks of our city streets to the center of the planet 9,000 kilometers below in an astonishing single shot on Down to the Earth's Core. Delving through the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core, NGC uses computer-generated imagery to explore the hidden world beneath our feet. Viewers will experience an earthquake from inside the San Andreas Fault, see how stalactites and gold form, witness the death of the dinosaurs, and understand the power of volcanoes all from underground. While humans have only been able to make it 12 kilometers below the surface in real life, NGC's Down to the Earth's Core shows wonders beyond our imaginations that lie at the heart of our planet.

  1. worth n. 價值 & a. 值得的
    數字 + day(s)' / week(s)' / month(s)' + worth of...
    Paul just bought a month's worth of socks for his trip overseas.
    為了海外旅行,保羅剛買了 1 個月份的襪子。
    This is a movie worth seeing.
  2. culminate vi. 達到高點
    culminate in...  在……達到高峰
    The concert culminated in a huge finale with all the singers on stage.
    *finale n. 終場,結尾
  3. astonishing a. 驚人的
    It's astonishing how much the city has changed.
  4. delve vi. 探究,調查(與介詞 into 並用)
    I'd like to delve further into this mystery and find out who broke the window.
  5. make it  成功達成
    make it to + 地方  及時趕到……
    He didn't even make it five minutes into the hike before he had to sit down.
    他健走還不到 5 分鐘就必須坐下休息。
    I have to work overtime, so I'm not sure if I can make it to your anniversary party.
  6. wonder n. 奇觀,奇景
    The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest architectural wonders of the world.
  7. beyond one's imagination
    The gifted child is smart beyond our imagination.
  8. at the heart of...  位於……的中心
    The Grand Canal has been at the heart of Venice for centuries.

ever 使用在肯定句的用法
ever 主要用於否定句和疑問句,表『曾經』、『以
a. 與最高級形容詞並用
若名詞前有最高級形容詞加以修飾時,其後常接由關係代名詞 that(可省略)引導的現在
完成式之形容詞子句,此時完成式助動詞 have / has / had 之後經常可加 ever 予以強調。
Mike is the best student I have ever taught.
This is the most exciting movie (that) I have ever seen.
b. 與 if 子句並用
If you ever do that again, I will ground you for a week.
如果你再做那件事,我就會把你禁足 1 個星期。
If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me.

  1. core n. 核心
  2. geologist n. 地質學家
  3. drill vt. & vi. 鑽(洞、孔)
  4. dig vt. & vi. 挖掘(三態為:dig, dug, dug)
  5. melt vt. & vi. 融化;溶化;熔化
  6. a drill bit  鑽頭
  7. labor n. 勞動
  8. artificial a. 人工的
  9. rover n. 探測車;漫遊者
  10. concrete n. 混凝土
  11. sidewalk n. 人行道
  12. crust n. 地殼
  13. mantle n. 地幔(介於地殼與地核之間)
  14. computer-generated imagery
  15. fault n. 斷層
  16. stalactite n. 鐘乳石
  17. witness vt. 目擊,見證

take sb on a journey  帶領某人展開一段旅程

  1970 年,一組俄羅斯地質學家在芬蘭開始了一項任務,他們想看可以鑽入地球內多深。該團隊挖了又挖,直到他們挖到一個能熔化鑽頭的深度。將近 20 年辛勞的探鑽達到的最深點只有地表下 12 公里,那也是時至 1989 年為止無人能達到的最深人工探鑽點。自那時起,僅有兩口在卡達和俄羅斯的油井向下鑽得更深。然而有個疑問至今依然存在。為何我們能將探測車送達離地球至少 5 千 4 百萬公里遠的火星,但以現有的種種現代科技,卻只能往地下鑽入短短幾公里而已?
  本月國家地理頻道的《地心探險之旅》將帶領觀眾來一趟旅行,以一鏡到底的驚人拍攝方式,從城市街道上的水泥人行道下達地表下 9 千公里的地心。整個調查過程通過地殼、地幔、外核及內核,國家地理頻道使用電腦生成圖像來探索隱藏在我們腳底下的世界。觀眾將經歷一場從聖安地列斯斷層內部引發的大地震、目睹鐘乳石和黃金的形成、見證恐龍的死亡及瞭解火山的威力,一切的一切都來自地底。雖然人類在現實生活中只能夠下探到地表下 12 公里的深度,國家地理頻道的《地心探險之旅》將展現位於地球核心且超乎我們想像的奇觀。

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