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2013/01/15 第93期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Virgin Births in Snakes Shock Scientists 蛇類處女產子震驚科學家
by Brian Foden
Asexual reproduction has become more frequent in nature.

  Researchers in the United States have discovered something that has shocked them about snakes in the wild. At least some females are capable _(1)_ giving birth without any help from males. After capturing dozens of pregnant copperhead and cottonmouth female pit vipers in their natural environments, researchers were _(2)_ to have discovered two cases of virgin births. The scientists figured _(3)_ that no males were involved in the reproduction. This is because all the genetic material of the two offspring came from the mothers. Based on this study, researchers _(4)_ that 2.5 to five percent of snake litters could be the result of this type of asexual reproduction, which is also known as parthenogenesis (單性生殖).
  While virgin births are fairly _(5)_ in some invertebrates, such as ants and bees, they are rare in vertebrates like snakes. There had _(6)_ been isolated cases of vertebrates giving birth via parthenogenesis while in captivity. Some examples of these rare births include snakes, sharks, lizards, and even some species of birds. However, in all of these cases, asexual reproduction occurred while the creatures were removed from their natural habitats and _(7)_ separated from males.
  The recent American study led by Professor Warren Booth from the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma is the first to document the _(8)_ of virgin births in snakes in the wild. For the scientific world, the results of the research shed new light on the evolutionary and _(9)_ processes of vertebrates. Ultimately, Professor Booth feels that virgin births should no longer be _(10)_ as an evolutionary novelty outside the mainstream of evolution. In other words, they should be seen as having a much bigger influence on the lives of certain animals.

(A) stunned (B) occurrence (C) previously (D) of (E) physically
(F) common (G) out (H) reproductive (I) concluded (J) viewed

  1. At least some females are capable of giving birth without any help from males.
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    be capable of N/V-ing  能夠……
    = be able to V
    The child is capable of solving difficult math problems in his head.
    Paul is able to express himself in six languages.
    保羅可以用 6 種語言表達自己的意思。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
  2. After capturing dozens of pregnant copperhead and cottonmouth female pit vipers in their natural environments, researchers were stunned to have discovered two cases of virgin births.
    a. 空格前有主詞researchers(研究人員)及 be 動詞 were,且空格後有不定詞片語 to have discovered(發現),得知空格內應置形容詞以作主詞補語。
    b. 選項中的形容詞有 (A) stunned(感到震驚的)、(F) common(常見的)及(H) reproductive(生殖的),惟按語意,(A) 項應為正選。
    c. stunned a. 感到震驚的
    I was stunned by the harsh words in your letter.
  3. The scientists figured out that no males were involved in the reproduction.
    a. 本題測試下列固定片語:
    figure out...  想出/了解……
    The detective tried to figure out the serial killer's motive.
    b. 根據上述用法,(G) 項應為正選。
  4. Based on this study, researchers concluded that 2.5 to five percent of snake litters could be the result of this type of asexual reproduction...
    a. 空格前有主詞 researchers(研究人員),空格後又有 that 引導的名詞子句,得知空格內須置及物動詞,使 that 作為該及物動詞的受詞。
    b. 選項中的動詞有(I) concluded(推斷出)及(J) viewed(將...看成是),根據語意,(I) 項應為正選。
    c. conclude vt. 推斷出
    conclude + that 子句  斷/論定……
    After reviewing all the evidence, the judge concluded that John was not guilty of the crime.
  5. While virgin births are fairly common in some invertebrates, such as ants and bees, they are rare in vertebrates like snakes.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are 及副詞 fairly (相當地),得知副詞後面須置形容詞,使形容詞同時作主詞補語。
    b. 選項中的形容詞尚有 (F) common(常見的)及(H) reproductive(生殖的),按照語意,(F) 項應為正選。
  6. There had previously been isolated cases of vertebrates giving birth via parthenogenesis while in captivity.
    a. 原句構中空格前有助動詞had,空格後又有過去分詞 been,形成完成式 be 動詞;由於be 動詞屬動詞的一種,故須被副詞修飾,因此空格內應置副詞。
    b. 選項中的副詞有 (C) previously(之前,先前)及(E) physically(身體上),按照語意,(C)項應為正選。
  7. However, in all of these cases, asexual reproduction occurred while the creatures were removed from their natural habitats and physically separated from males.
    a. 原句實等於:
    ...while the creatures were removed from their natural habitats and were _______ separated from males.
    b. 根據上述,得知空格後有 separated(分開),而空格之前有be動詞 were,使 were separated 可以與 were removed 用對等連接詞 and 連接,因此空格內應置副詞以修飾過去分詞 separated。
    c. 選項中副詞僅剩 (E) physically(身體上),置入後合乎語意,故(E) 項應為正選。
  8. The recent American study led by Professor Warren Booth from the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma is the first to document the occurrence of virgin births in snakes in the wild.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,得知空格內應置名詞,使該名詞作為document (用文件證明)的受詞。
    b. 選項中名詞僅有 (B) occurrence(發生),置入後合乎用法及語意,故為正選。
  9. For the scientific world, the results of the research shed new light on the evolutionary and reproductive processes of vertebrates.
    a. 空格前有對等連接詞 and,and 之前有形容詞 evolutionary(進化的),得知空格內也須置入形容詞形成對等,共同修飾後面的名詞 processes(過程)。
    b. 選項中的形容詞只剩 (H) reproductive(生殖的),
  10. Ultimately, Professor Booth feels that virgin births should no longer be viewed as an evolutionary novelty outside the mainstream of evolution.
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    view A as B  視 A 為 B
    = see A as B
    = regard A as B
    = think of A as B
    White doves are often viewed as a symbol of peace.
    b. 根據上述,(J) 項應為正選。
  1. asexual a. 無性的;無性生殖的
  2. in nature  在自然界
  3. give birth (to...)  生產(下……)
  4. copperhead n. 銅頭蛇
  5. cottonmouth n. 棉口蛇
  6. a pit viper  頰窩毒蛇
  7. offspring n.(動物的)幼獸;後代(單複數同形)
  8. be based on...  依據……
  9. litter n.(動物生下的)一窩幼獸
  10. invertebrate n. 無脊椎動物
  11. vertebrate n. 脊椎動物
  12. habitat n. 棲息地
  13. document vt. 記錄,記載
  14. evolutionary a. 進化的,進化論的
  15. ultimately adv. 最後,最終
  16. novelty n. 新奇的事物
  17. mainstream n. 主流

While virgin births are fairly common in some invertebrates, such as ants and bees, they are rare in vertebrates like snakes. There had previously been isolated cases of vertebrates giving birth via parthenogenesis while (they were) in captivity.
while 作連接詞時,有下列用法:
a. 表『雖然』,此時 while 為副詞連接詞,等於 though 或 although,其所引導的副詞子句通常置於句首,其後加逗點,再接主要子句。
While Raymond is intelligent, he does stupid things every once in a while.
b. 表『當……時』,此時 while 為副詞連接詞,其所引導的副詞子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,通常用來表示持續的動作或狀態。
While I was studying, my sister was playing the piano.

  1. reproduction n. 生殖,繁殖
    reproduce vi. 生殖,繁殖
    Rabbits are known to reproduce at a fast rate.
  2. in the wild  在野外
    The number of rhinos in the wild are on the decline.
  3. capture vt. 捕捉;引起
    capture sb's imagination/attention/interest
    Space travel has always captured my imagination.
  4. involve vt. 使捲入;牽涉
    be involved in...  參與/從事……
    The entire class was involved in the project.
  5. isolated a. 孤立的
    isolate vt. 使孤立;隔離
    isolate A from B  將 A 與 B 隔離
    The location is rather isolated, so I'd be wary of opening a restaurant there.
    The researcher isolated the baby mice from their parents shortly after birth.
  6. in captivity  被囚禁
    captivity n. 囚禁
    The poor animal survived less than a week in captivity.
    那隻可憐的動物在籠子裡活不到 1 星期。
  7. remove A from B  將 A 從 B 中移走/移除
    be removed from...  從……中移走/移除
    How can I remove this stain from my dress?
    The sofa was removed from the living room because it took up too much space.
  8. separate A from B  將 A 與 B 分開
    Helen was separated from her friends because of the crowd.
  9. shed (new) light on...
    The professor's explanation shed new light on the difficult poem.

答案:1. D 2. A 3. G 4. I 5. F 6. C 7. E 8. B 9. H 10. J

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