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2013/04/02 第104期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Insects You Love to Hate 令你反感的小傢伙
by Brian Foden
Experts believe mosquitoes are possibly the deadliest creatures on Earth.

  It may be hard to believe that some experts consider tiny mosquitoes to be the most dangerous creatures in the world. However, categorizing these insects _(1)_ dangerous animals makes good sense, considering the fact that mosquito-borne illnesses kill millions of people each year. The list of deadly diseases includes malaria, encephalitis, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and dengue fever. In addition to infecting humans with life-threatening illnesses, mosquitoes also _(2)_ diseases to animals through parasites and viruses.
  _(3)_ only a few of the 3,500 species of mosquitoes are capable of passing on diseases, the blood-sucking nature of these pests makes them universally hated. Tens of millions of years of evolution have turned mosquitoes into adept hunters with a _(4)_ sense of survival. One way that mosquitoes have evolved to track down potential meals of blood is through sensing carbon dioxide and lactic acid, which are substances emitted by mammals and birds, from a range of up to 36 meters. These insects can also detect heat and use visual _(5)_ to find hosts to feed on. _(6)_ visible clues, mosquitoes are drawn to movement and people wearing clothing that is in contrast to their surroundings.
  For those wondering why some mosquitoes risk _(7)_ blood from hosts who would gladly kill them, the reason is that the protein found in blood acts as nourishment for producing eggs. In fact, only female mosquitoes suck blood. Males seek out nectar and other sugars to consume.

1. (A) for  (B) to  (C) as  (D) in
2. (A) transmit  (B) recruit  (C) surpass  (D) intervene
3. (A) When  (B) While  (C) Unless  (D) Until
4. (A) profitable  (B) parallel  (C) logical  (D) keen
5. (A) restraints  (B) sensations  (C) thresholds  (D) sanctions
6. (A) On the verge of  (B) In terms of  (C) In place of  (D) For fear of
7. (A) to be drunk  (B) drink  (C) drinking  (D) to drink

  1. However, categorizing these insects as dangerous animals makes good sense,...
    a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
    categorize A as B  將 A 歸類為 B
    The author's latest work cannot be categorized as a novel because it's too short.
    b. categorize 亦有下列用法:
    categorize A into B and C
    將 A 歸類為 B 和 C
    The participants in this study are categorized into adults and teenagers.
    c. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. ...mosquitoes also transmit diseases to animals through parasites and viruses.
    a. (A) transmit vt. 傳送;傳染
    = spread
    The doctor unknowingly transmitted the disease to his patient.
    (B) recruit vt. & vi. 招募(新兵)
    My brother was recruited into the army soon after he graduated.
    (C) surpass vt. 超越,優於
    My performance on the finals surpassed all of the other students'.
    (D) intervene vi. 干涉,干預
    (與介詞 in 並用)
    You'd better not intervene in their dispute.
    b. 根據題意,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. While only a few of the 3,500 species of mosquitoes are capable of passing on diseases,...
    a. 此處 while 等於 though,代表『雖然』的意思。
    While recycling has helped, the government feels that more needs to be done.
    b. while 亦可作為『當……』。
    While exploring the foreign city, John got disoriented and lost.
    c. 其他選項語意皆不合, 故 (B) 項應為正選。
  4. Tens of millions of years of evolution have turned mosquitoes into adept hunters with a keen sense of survival.
    a. (A) profitable a. 有利可圖的
    Fishing has become a profitable industry lately.
    (B) parallel a. 平行的
    be / run parallel to sth  與某物平行
    The road and the canal run parallel to each other for about two miles.
    這條道路和運河彼此平行約 2 英里。
    (C) logical a. 合乎邏輯的
    Math is logical and not abstract like art.
    (D) keen a. 渴望的;敏銳的
    be keen on N/V-ing  渴望要……
    Sandy is keen on studying abroad in the UK.
    Marcy has a keen eye for fashion.
    b. 根據題意,(D) 項應為正選。
  5. These insects can also detect heat and use visual sensations to find hosts to feed on.
    a. (A) restraint n. 克制
    restrain vt. 抑制
    restrain sb from...  限制某人(做)……
    The government should introduce some new policies to restrain inflation.
    John had to restrain himself from commenting on the political debate.
    (B) sensation n. 感覺;轟動
    Jill seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms after the operation.
    The new singer caused a sensation with the release of her debut album.
    (C) threshold n. 門檻
    at the threshold of...  在……的開始
    The group of young men are at the threshold of their future.
    (D) sanction n. 制裁(常用複數)
    Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.
    b. 根據題意,(B) 項應為正選。
  6. In terms of visible clues, mosquitoes are drawn to movement and people wearing clothing that is in contrast to their surroundings.
    a. (A) on the verge of...  在……的邊緣
    The company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
    (B) in terms of...  就……而言
    In terms of service, that restaurant is excellent.
    (C) in place of...  取代……
    Nylon is widely used in place of cotton nowadays.
    (D) for fear of...  唯恐/以免……
    Susan only eats low-fat foods for fear of putting on weight.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. For those wondering why some mosquitoes risk drinking blood from hosts...
    a. risk(冒險)作動詞時,其後通常加名詞或動名詞作受詞。
    Lucy didn't want to risk losing her life savings by investing in the company.
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. infect vt. 使感染(常用被動語態)
    Jim missed six months of school last year when he was infected with the rare disease.
    吉姆去年染上這罕見疾病而休學 6 個月。
  2. be capable of N/V-ing  能夠……
    I doubt if Tommy is capable of completing the mission all by himself.
  3. pass sth on (to sb)  將某物傳給某人
    Pass the book on to me when you've finished reading it.
  4. evolution n. 演化
    It took years for the Theory of Evolution to gain mass acceptance.
  5. adept a. 熟練的(常與介詞 at 並用)
    My mother is adept at bargaining with vendors at the night market.
  6. track down...  追蹤……
    The police worked hard to track down the sniper.
  7. emit vt. 發出;排放
    Cell phones emit radiation that may cause cancer.
  8. feed on...  (尤指動物)以……為食
    Frogs feed on small insects like flies and mosquitoes.
  9. in contrast to...  與……成對比
    The puppy appears small in contrast to its mother.
  10. nourishment n. 營養
    Breast milk can provide all the basic nourishment a baby needs.
  11. seek out...  找出……
    If the storm doesn't stop, we will have to seek out a place to stay for the night.
  1. deadly a. 致命的
  2. expert n. 專家
  3. borne a. 由……傳播的
  4. malaria n. 瘧疾
  5. encephalitis n. 腦炎
  6. West Nile virus  西尼羅病毒
  7. yellow fever  黃熱病
  8. dengue fever  登革熱
  9. life-threatening a. 危及生命的
  10. parasite n. 寄生蟲
  11. blood-sucking a. 吸血的
  12. nature n. 天性
  13. pest n. 害蟲
  14. universally adv. 普遍地
  15. lactic acid  乳酸
  16. mammal n. 哺乳動物
  17. detect vt. 探測
  18. host n.(寄生動物的)宿主
  19. visible a. 顯而易見的
  20. surroundings n. 周圍環境
  21. nectar n. 花蜜
  1. make sense  合理
  2. up to + 數字  多達……
  3. be drawn to...  被……吸引
  4. act as...  作為……

..., considering the fact that mosquito-borne illnesses kill millions of people each year.

considering prep. 考慮到……,鑒於……
英文中有少數現在分詞可作介詞用,considering 於本句中恰好為此例,其後可直接接名詞當受詞,但不可直接接 that 子句作受詞,須先在其後加 the fact 作其受詞,然後再接 that 子句,此 that 子句乃其前 the fact 的同位語。
The two businessmen were reluctant to meet in person, considering the comments that were made.
Considering the fact that you revealed company secrets, we have no choice but to fire you.

  雖然 3 千 5 百種蚊子當中只有一些能傳遞疾病,但這些害蟲的嗜血本性仍讓牠們普遍受到厭惡。數千萬年的演化已經把蚊子轉變為很有生存感的獵人。蚊子進化成可追蹤潛在血液食物的一種方法,即是憑藉著感測二氧化碳和乳酸,這些物質會從哺乳動物和鳥類排放出來,感測範圍廣達 36 公尺。這些昆蟲還可以探測到熱度並利用視覺找到宿主以求溫飽。以顯見的線索來看,蚊子會受到動作以及穿著服裝與周圍環境成對比的人所吸引。

答案:1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (C)



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