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2014/11/25 第190期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Whale of a Time 『鯨』喜時刻
by Paul Hines

Getting up close and personal with whales.

  Whales hold a special place in the heart of humanity, and there is a great deal of respect for these graceful creatures of the sea. Unfortunately, whales were once hunted to near extinction because whale meat and oil _(1)_ a major industry. Fortunately, action taken by many governments, which banned the hunting of whales, _(2)_ their numbers increase significantly in recent years. This action has _(3)_ created a new whale-based industry called whale watching.
  Humpback whales breed in the warm Pacific Ocean during winter, and feed in the icy Southern Ocean during summer. Between May and November, 17,000 humpback whales make a 10,000 km round-trip from the coast of Antarctica to the northeast tip of Australia. On the trip back south, the adult whales and their calves stop to rest in the warm and peaceful waters off the coast of Hervey Bay, which is a popular Australian holiday destination.
  Each winter, thousands of tourists from around the world board one of Hervey Bay's many whale-watching vessels to get up close and personal with the whales. The whales _(4)_ a spectacular display. They swim in the boat's wake and leap majestically from the water while _(5)_ fountains of water from their spouts. Tour operators are planning to soon introduce a new activity which will actually allow adventurous tourists the opportunity _(6)_ with the whales. The dangers of swimming _(7)_ a 40-ton whale are obvious, although the activity promises to provide thrill-seekers with a unique and unforgettable experience.

1. (A) fueled  (B) evaluated  (C) diagnosed  (D) tolerated
2. (A) saw  (B) seeing   (C) had seen  (D) has seen
3. (A) miserably  (B) habitually  (C) inadvertently  (D) gorgeously
4. (A) touch on  (B) let off  (C) put on  (D) call off
5. (A) loosening  (B) absorbing  (C) conquering  (D) spraying
6. (A) swimming  (B) to swim  (C) to swimming  (D) swim
7. (A) aboard  (B) alongside  (C) amid  (D) via

  1. Unfortunately, whales were once hunted to near extinction because whale meat and oil fueled a major industry.
    a. (A) fuel vt. 刺激
    My failure to pass the exam fueled my desire to try even harder than before.
    (B) evaluate vt. 評估
    My teacher evaluated my progress in the class and then gave me a good grade.
    (C) diagnose vt. 診斷
    John was diagnosed with liver cancer during a physical checkup.
    (D) tolerate vt. 容忍
    You are allowed to disagree with others, but personal attacks will not be tolerated.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. Fortunately, action taken by many governments, which banned the hunting of whales, has seen their numbers increase significantly in recent years.
    a. in recent years(近年來)為時間副詞片語,在句中出現時,動詞時態須採現在完成式或現在完成進行式。表示到現在為止仍在繼續的動作或狀態時,須使用現在完成式來表達;表示一直持續到現在且可能繼續下去的動作,則須使用現在完成進行式來表達。
    The number of crimes has fallen off in recent years.
    *fall off  (數量等)下降
    The population of this town has been exploding in recent years.
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. This action has inadvertently created a new whale-based industry called whale watching.
    a. (A) miserably adv. 悲慘地
    The little girl was wailing miserably because she got lost at the supermarket.
    *wail vi. 哭嚎
    (B) habitually adv. 習慣地
    Jason tells lies habitually, so I never trust a word he says.
    (C) inadvertently adv. 偶然地
    Ruth inadvertently told Sam about the surprise party they had planned for him.
    (D) gorgeously adv. 美麗地
    Many people only see the actors dressed gorgeously on stage, but they do not know about the hard work behind the scenes.
    *behind the scenes  幕後
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  4. The whales put on a spectacular display.
    a. (A) touch on...  言及……
    During his acceptance speech, the candidate is sure to touch on all the relevant points.
    (B) let off...  放(炮或煙火等)
    = set off...
    It's dangerous to let off firecrackers indoors.
    (C) put on...  演出(戲劇等)
    The local drama group is putting on Macbeth.
    (D) call off...  取消……
    = cancel...
    The game was called off on account of darkness.
    *on account of...  因為……
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  5. They swim in the boat's wake and leap majestically from the water while spraying fountains of water from their spouts.
    a. (A) loosen vt. 釋放;放鬆
    Loosen your tie. You look like you can't breathe.
    (B) absorb vt. 吸收
    Use that piece of cloth to absorb the spilled juice.
    (C) conquer vt. 征服
    We are still fighting to conquer poverty.
    (D) spray vt. 噴,灑
    I suggest you spray insect repellent on your body before you go into the forest.
    *repellent n. 驅蟲劑
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  6. Tour operators are planning to soon introduce a new activity which will actually allow adventurous tourists the opportunity to swim with the whales.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    the(an) opportunity to V  從事……的機會
    = the(an) opportunity of V-ing
    = the(an) opportunity for V-ing
    There is an excellent opportunity to put gold on the market now.
    b. 根據上述用法,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. The dangers of swimming alongside a 40-ton whale are obvious, although the activity promises to provide thrill-seekers with a unique and unforgettable experience.
    a. (A) aboard prep.  在(車、船或飛機)上
    go aboard + 交通工具  登上某交通工具
    We went aboard the ship at six o'clock this morning.
    (B) alongside prep. 在……旁邊
    A car pulled up alongside ours.
    *pull up  (車或船)停下來
    (C) amid prep. 在其中
    The singer stood singing amid a crowd of his fans.
    (D) via prep. 透過,藉由
    = by way of...
    = through...
    The news reached me via a friend of mine.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  1. a great deal of...  大量的……
    = a good deal of...
  2. provide sb with sth  提供某物給某人
    = provide sth for sb
  1. a whale of a time  快樂時光
    have a whale of a time  玩得非常痛快
    = have a great time
    I had a whale of a time during my stay in Paris. It was really an unforgettable experience.
  2. get up close and personal with...  近距離接觸……
    Getting up close and personal with animals is an interesting thing.
  3. extinction n. 絕種,滅絕
    To prevent sea turtles from reaching the point of extinction, some countries have drawn up laws making it illegal to harm or hunt them.
  4. ban vt. 禁止
    ban sb from N/V-ing  禁止某人(做)……
    = restrain sb from N/V-ing
    = forbid sb to V
    The manager of the movie theater banned Josh from ever returning.
  5. breed vi. 繁殖(動詞三態:breed, bred, bred。)
    Most animals breed in spring.
  6. destination n. 目的地
    Upon reaching your destination, can you find the nearest Internet caf? and send me an email?
  7. majestically adv. 雄偉地
    A lot of balloons floated majestically into the sky.
  8. adventurous a. 愛冒險的
    Chris was adventurous and wanted to try bungee jumping.
  1. humpback whale  座頭鯨
  2. Antarctica n. 南極洲
  3. calf n.(鯨或象等的)幼獸(複數形為 calves)
  4. board vt. 上(船或公車等)
  5. vessel n. 船艦
  6. wake n.(船的)尾波,航跡
  7. spout n.(鯨等的)噴水孔
  8. ton n. 公噸
  9. thrill-seeker n. 尋求刺激的人

答案: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. B


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