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2014/12/09 第192期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Ziferblat, the Pay-As-You-Go Caf? 計時咖啡廳
by William Ryan

Everything is free, except the time you spend there.

  London's first pay-as-you-go cafe is creating a buzz. Can you imagine hanging out with your friends, having free snacks, tea, and coffee as much as you can, with free Wi-Fi included? You can even stay as long as you like. Well, it's almost free. The only charge is an hourly usage fee of UK?1.80, or around US$3.00. People can also bring their own food and drinks if they prefer, alcohol excluded. A piano, record player, and plenty of old vinyl records provide musical entertainment. Customers make their own beverages and clean their own dishes. Perhaps the do-it-yourself part isn't everyone's cup of tea, but business is good at Ziferblat.
  Ziferblat is the first UK branch of a Russian chain, the name meaning "clock face." Compared with a traditional cafe, Ziferblat's operation is based on an entirely different model. Rather than paying for consumption, customers pay only for the time they spend there, and the time is unlimited, along with the food, coffee, and Wi-Fi. The cafe is attracting mostly students and young people, and many of them say they enjoy the atmosphere because the cafe places little emphasis on selling. Most customers come back again and bring their friends along. Many even leave donations.
  Friends, food and drinks, along with the soft furniture, soft music, and relaxing views that the place provides all sound like a recipe for losing yourself in time. Interestingly, however, customers are handed an alarm clock when they come into the cafe so they can keep track of the time. If time is money, as the saying goes, this is literally true for Ziferblat. The venue's atmosphere and unusual pricing strategy seem designed to encourage those with lots of time on their hands to spend it there.

1. What do customers pay for at Ziferblat?
(A) Food and drinks.
(B) Internet access and snacks.
(C) Time spent in the cafe.
(D) Time spent online.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about Ziferblat?
(A) Unlimited free Wi-Fi is provided.
(B) It is a self-service-style cafe.
(C) Eating food brought in from outside is allowed.
(D) Customers must bring their own clocks.
3. Based on the contents of the passage, which of the following probably best describes the atmosphere in a Ziferblat cafe?
(A) Buzzing with excitement.
(B) Relaxing and friendly.
(C) Noisy and unfriendly.
(D) Quiet and boring.
4. What can be inferred from the meaning of the last sentence?
(A) Spending time with friends is important.
(B) Doing what we enjoy is the best use of time.
(C) Making money is the best use of time.
(D) People who go to Ziferblat have a lot of free time.

  1. pay-as-you-go  量入為出的
  2. buzz n. 熱潮;騷動
  3. usage n. 使用;用法
  4. vinyl record n. 黑膠唱片
  5. beverage n. 飲料
  6. chain n. 連鎖店
  7. entirely adv. 完全地
  8. recipe n. 方法;食譜
  9. venue n. 地點
  10. pricing a. 計價的;價格的
  1. hang out with...  與……在一起/閒混
  2. plenty of...  許多的……
  3. "...," as the saying goes.  俗話說:『……。』

Can you imagine hanging out with your friends, having free snacks, tea, and coffee as much as you can, with free Wi-Fi included?
imagine 表『想像』之意,之後須接名詞或動名詞,相似動詞尚有 quit, delay, fancy和 recommend 等。
I can't imagine living on a desert island all by myself.
= I can't fancy living on a desert island all by myself.
Can you imagine a life without water?

  1. charge n. & vt. 收費
    The mechanic fixed Amy's car free of charge.
    *free of charge  免費地
    Would you like to pay cash or charge it?
    *charge it  刷卡
  2. be not one's cup of tea
    Comedies aren't really my cup of tea. I'd prefer to see an action film instead.
  3. consumption n. 吃,喝;攝取
    After my liver operation, the doctor warned me to stop all alcohol consumption.
  4. unlimited a. 無限制的
    Do not underestimate your ability because everyone has unlimited potential.
    *underestimate vt. 低估
  5. atmosphere n. 氣氛;大氣層
    Jim told a joke to lighten the atmosphere.
    The satellite is fixed at a point just outside the Earth's atmosphere.
  6. place / lay / put emphasis on...  強調……
    = place / lay / put stress on...
    The manager placed emphasis on the need for teamwork in the meeting.
  7. keep track of...  記錄/追蹤……
    lose track of...  與……失去聯繫
    My mother keeps track of how much the family spends every month.
    I lost track of Cindy after she moved to Canada.
  8. literally adv. 確實地(強調語氣用)
    The snake we saw was literally two meters long.


  倫敦首家計時咖啡廳引起了一股熱潮。你能想像和你的朋友們一起出去閒逛時,可以盡情享用免費的點心、茶和咖啡,還包含免費的無線網路嗎?你甚至可以想待多久就待多久。嗯,幾乎是免費的。唯一要收費的是每小時一點八英鎊的使用費,大約是三塊美元。如果想要的話,還可以帶自己的食物和飲料來,酒類除外。一架鋼琴、一臺電唱機和許多老式黑膠唱片皆提供了音樂消遣。顧客們製作自己的飲料,也自行清洗碗盤。也許自己動手做的部份並不是每個人都喜歡,但這項生意在 Ziferblat 卻運作良好。
  Ziferblat 是俄羅斯連鎖店在英國的首家分店,這個名字的意思為『鐘面』。和傳統咖啡店相比,Ziferblat 的運作是建立在完全不同的模式上。顧客不需要為他們的餐點付費,他們只需要為待在那裡所花費的時間付錢,而且沒有時間限制,食物、咖啡和無線網路也一樣。這家咖啡廳吸引的客群主要是學生和年輕人,當中有許多人說他們非常享受咖啡廳的氣氛,因為這家咖啡店不著重銷售。大部份的顧客都會再次造訪,還會帶朋友一起來。許多人甚至還會留下捐款。
  朋友、食物和飲料,還有這個地方所提供的柔軟傢俱、輕柔的音樂和令人放鬆的景觀,這些聽起來都像是會讓你迷失在時間裡的方法。然而,有趣的是,顧客一進咖啡店,店家就會發給他們一個鬧鐘,以便他們記錄時間。如果就像諺語說的,時間就是金錢,那對 Ziferblat 來說再真實不過了。這個場地的氛圍和特別的計價策略,似乎是為了鼓勵那些有大把時間的人把時間花在這裡而設計的。

1. 在 Ziferblat,顧客有什麼東西是要付錢的?
(A) 食物和飲料。
(B) 上網和點心。
(C) 在咖啡店花費的時間。
(D) 上網的時間。
題解:根據本文第二段,顧客不需要為他們的餐點付費,他們只需要為待在那裡所花費的時間付錢,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. 關於 Ziferblat,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A) 無限量提供免費無線網路。
(B) 這是一家自助式咖啡廳。
(C) 可以攜帶外食進來。
(D) 顧客一定要帶自己的鬧鐘來。
題解:根據本文第三段,顧客一進咖啡廳,店家就會發給他們一個鬧鐘,以便他們記錄時間,得知顧客不需自備鬧鐘,故 (D) 項應為正選。
3. 根據本文內容,下列哪一項敘述最能描述 Ziferblat 的氣氛?
(A) 充滿興奮感。
(B) 輕鬆又友善。
(C) 吵雜又不友善。
(D) 安靜又無聊。
題解:根據本文第三段,朋友、食物和飲料,還有這個地方所提供的柔軟傢俱、輕柔的音樂和令人放鬆的景觀,這些聽起來都像是會讓你迷失在時間裡的方法,故 (B) 項應為正選。
4. 從最後一句話的含意可以推論出下列何者?
(A) 花時間和朋友相處是很重要的。
(B) 做我們享受的事就是充份利用時間。
(C) 賺錢是充份利用時間的表現。
(D) 到 Ziferblat 的人擁有很多閒暇時間。
題解:根據本文第三段,這個場地的氛圍和特別的計價策略,似乎是為了鼓勵那些有大把時間的人把時間花在這裡而設計的,得知到此咖啡廳光顧的人都有很多閒暇時間,故 (D) 項應為正選。

答案: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D

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