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2015/04/07 第208期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Pink Shirt Day  我有話要說
by Evan M. Gioia

Pink Shirt Day and other anti-bullying campaigns are getting people to take a stand against bullies.

  In December of 2012, a middle school student, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, became the target of harassment from her classmates when she started dating a boy they liked. A total of 15 girls, some of whom were Sedwick's best friends, bullied her at school and online. They called her horrible names, threatened to beat her up, and provoked her to commit suicide. On September 9, 2013, they got their wish. Sedwick climbed to the top tower of a concrete factory and leapt to her death. She was only 12 years old. Sadly, Sedwick's case is not an isolated incident. Kids who are from families of modest economic means, different ethnic or racial backgrounds, or different sexual orientation typically find themselves the victims of bullying. Luckily, however, there are many groups fighting back.
  Anti-Bullying Day, also known as Pink Shirt Day, originated in Canada and is celebrated on various dates throughout the world. On this particular day, participants typically wear pink shirts to take a stand against bullying. The American Justice Department estimates that one in four kids will be bullied during their adolescence and the majority of the bullying continues well after the first incident. Now because of social media, many victims of bullying are able to report being threatened through text messages, Facebook posts, and emails even after the school day has finished. The purpose of Pink Shirt Day is to teach kids that it is OK to be different and that harassment should not be tolerated. While Pink Shirt Day and other anti-bullying campaigns are giving kids a voice to stand up for themselves, the rest of society needs to value the importance of its youth and seek to keep them protected.
1. Why is Pink Shirt Day important?
(A) To teach students that they should connect with friends on Facebook.
(B) To show kids that they do not have to be the same as everyone else.
(C) To demonstrate that wearing a pink shirt can be fashionable.
(D) To let everyone know that Canada is a nice country to visit.
2. How did Sedwick become a target for bullies?
(A) She wore pink shirts to school.
(B) She had too many Facebook friends.
(C) She started to date someone that her friends also liked.
(D) She bullied her classmates.
3. According to the article, what is NOT a reason why someone may be bullied?
(A) He or she is from a different ethnic background.
(B) He or she is from a poor family.
(C) He or she is of a different sexual orientation.
(D) He or she is from an extremely rich family.
4. According to the article, what are some ways to stop bullying?
(A) To let people know that harassment will not be tolerated.
(B) To send mean text messages to bullies.
(C) To wear black T-shirts.
(D) To stop going to school.


concrete n. 混凝土 & a. 具體的
means n. 財力;方法,手段(恆用複數)
adolescence n. 青少年時期

  1. take a stand against...  採取堅定立場對抗……
    Ted took a stand against the construction of the highway by not selling his farm.
  2. call sb names  辱罵某人
    names n. 低俗及侮辱性的綽號或用語(恆為複數)
    I punched Robby in the nose for calling me names.
  3. beat sb up / beat up sb  毆打某人
    Brothers beat each other up far more often than sisters do.
  4. commit suicide  自殺
    commit vt. 犯(罪)
    suicide n. 自殺行為
  5. leap to one's death  某人跳樓身亡
  6. the / a majority of...  大多數的……
    衍: the / a minority of...  少數的……
    In my opinion, a majority of people voted for the wrong candidate.

A total of 15 girls, some of whom were Sedwick's best friends, bullied her at school and online.
本句採用『主詞/主要子句 + 逗點 + 數量詞 + of + 關係代名詞(whom / which)引導的形容詞子句』的句構。在寫作時,學生常誤用受格 them,而不使用關係代名詞 whom / which,因此造成兩句不連接的錯誤句構。
Jason has many friends, some of whom are painters.

  1. anti-bullying a. 反霸凌的
  2. bully n. 惡霸,恃強欺弱者 & vt. 霸凌;欺負
    Billy is fed up with being threatened by bullies at school every day.
    The recent survey showed that one out of every five students is bullied at school.
  3. harassment n. 騷擾(不可數)
    衍: sexual harassment  性騷擾
    Albert was accused of sexual harassment by one of his subordinates.
  4. provoke vt. 煽動;引發
    Sean's suggestion provoked a vigorous debate among the board members.
  5. isolated a. 個別的;孤立的
    衍: isolate vt. 使孤立;隔離
    isolate A from B  將 A 與 B 隔離
    This location is rather isolated, so I'd be wary of opening a restaurant here.
    The researcher isolated the baby mice from their parents shortly after birth.
  6. incident n. 事件(指有原因醞釀而成的事件)
    衍: accident n. 事故,災禍(指突發的意外事件)
    The incident that led to the Prime Minister's resignation is known to the public now.
    David's back was seriously injured in a car accident.
  7. modest a. 不太大(或多)的;謙虛的
  8. ethnic a. 種族的
    The result of the election heightened the tension between the two different ethnic groups.
  9. racial a. 種族的
    衍: racial discrimination  種族歧視
  10. sexual a. 性別的;情色的
  11. orientation n. 傾向;新人訓練
    There's been a persistent rumor about the singer's sexual orientation.
    New arrivals at the company will be given a short orientation on their first day.
  12. justice n. 司法;正義
  13. tolerate vt. 容忍,忍受
    同: put up with...  忍受……
    = bear vt.
    Roger can't tolerate the pain in his back.
  14. voice n. 表達的意見;聲音
  15. seek vt. 尋求,尋找(三態為:seek, sought, sought。)
    We are seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
  16. demonstrate vt. 展示

  2012 年十二月,一位名叫麗貝卡•安•塞德威克的中學生當時正開始與一位她同學都很欣賞的男孩子約會,進而成為同學們騷擾的對象。在校園和網路上對她進行霸凌的總共有十五位女孩子,其中某些人還是塞德威克的摯友。他們用各種不堪入耳的話辱罵她、威嚇要毆打她並激她去自殺。2013 年九月九日這天,她們如願以償了。塞德威克爬上了一家混泥土工廠的塔頂跳樓身亡。她當時才十二歲。可悲的是,塞德威克的案例並非是一起個別事件。舉凡來自收入不豐的家庭、不同民族或種族背景,或是不同性向的孩子,通常都會淪為霸凌受害者。不過,幸運的是,有許多團體正在發起反制。

1. 為什麼粉紅衣日很重要?
(A) 為了教導學生他們應該在臉書上與朋友聯繫。
(B) 為了向孩子說明他們並非要和其他人一樣。
(C) 為了展示穿粉紅色襯衫也可以很時尚。
(D) 為了讓大家知道加拿大是一個值得參訪的國家。
題解:根據本文第二段,粉紅衣日的宗旨在於教導孩子,與眾不同是沒有關係的,而騷擾行為則不應容忍,故 (B) 項應為正選。
2. 塞德威克如何成為惡霸所欺凌的對象?
(A) 她穿著粉紅色襯衫去上學。
(B) 她有過多的臉書好友。
(C) 她開始與她朋友也欣賞的人約會。
(D) 她霸凌她的同學。
題解:根據本文第一段,一位名叫麗貝卡•安•塞德威克的中學生當時正開始與一位她同學都很欣賞的男孩子約會,進而成為同學們騷擾的對象,故 (C) 項應為正選。
3. 根據本文,哪一項並非是可能遭受霸凌的原因?
(A) 生長在一個不同種族背景的人。
(B) 來自一個貧窮家庭的人。
(C) 不同性傾向的人。
(D) 來自一個非常富裕家庭的人。
題解:根據本文第一段,舉凡來自收入不豐的家庭、不同民族或種族背景,以及不同性向的孩子,通常都會淪為霸凌受害者,僅有 (D) 項未被提及,故為正選。
4. 根據本文,阻止霸凌的方法為何?
(A) 讓大家知道,騷擾將不被容忍。
(B) 發送惡劣簡訊給惡霸。
(C) 身穿黑色襯衫。
(D) 輟學。
題解:根據本文第二段,粉紅衣日的宗旨在於教導孩子,與眾不同是沒有關係的,而騷擾行為則不應容忍,故 (A) 項應為正選。

答案: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A

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